Submissions from 2007
Trademarks and the Internet: The United States' Experience, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Can Lawyers Be War Criminals, Milan Markovic
Vessels of Reproduction: Forced Pregnancy and the ICC, Milan Markovic
Overcharging the Uninsured in Hospitals: Shifting a Greater Share of Uncompensated Medical Care Costs to the Federal Government, James McGrath
Changes In Physician Supply And Scope Of Practice During A Malpractice Crisis: Evidence From Pennsylvania, Michelle M. Mello, David M. Studdert, Jennifer Schumi, Troyen A. Brennan, and William M. Sage
Market Fragmenting Regulation - Why Gasoline Costs So Much (And Why It's Going to Cost More), Andrew P. Morriss and Nathaniel Stewart
"Waterlocked": Public Access to New Jersey's Coastline, Timothy M. Mulvaney and Brian Weeks
Enron and the Special Purpose Entities - Use or Abuse - The Real Problem - The Real Focus, Neal Newman
News Media as Mediators, Carol Pauli
News Media as Mediators (Cardozo J. Conflict Resol.), Carol Pauli
To Sow or Not to Sow: Dilemmas in Creating New Rights in Food, Srividhya Ragavan
Has India Addressed Its Farmers' Woes? A Story of Plant Protection Issues, Srividhya Ragavan and Jamie Mayer O'Shields
Legislating Delivery System Reform: A 30,000-Foot View Of The 800-Pound Gorilla, William M. Sage
Might the Fact that 90% of Americans Live Within 15 Miles of a Wal-Mart Help Achieve Universal Health Care?, William M. Sage
Some Principles Require Principals: Why Banning “Conflicts of Interest” Won’t Solve Incentive Problems in Biomedical Research, William M. Sage
The Wal-Martization of Health Care, William M. Sage
Why Are Demonstrations of Comprehensive Malpractice Reform So (at All) Controversial, William M. Sage
China's Future Lawyers: Some Differences in Education and Outlook, Malinda L. Seymore, Patricia Ross McCubbin, Andrea Curcio, and Llewellyn Joseph Gibbons
Clouds of Mystery: Dispelling the Realist Rhetoric of the Uniform Commercial Code, Franklin G. Snyder
'Less' is 'More'? Textualism, Intentionalism, and a Better Solution to the Class Action Fairness Act's Appellate Deadline Riddle, Adam N. Steinman
Reinventing Appellate Jurisdiction, Adam N. Steinman
Mission Possible: Reciprocal Deference between Domestic Regulatory Structures and the WTO, Elizabeth Trujillo
Shifting Paradigms of Parochialism: Lessons for International Trade Law, Elizabeth Trujillo
Digital Piracy and the Copyright Response, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property, Economic Development, and the China Puzzle, Peter K. Yu
International Enclosure, the Regime Complex, and Intellectual Property Schizophrenia, Peter K. Yu
Reconceptualizing Intellectual Property Interests in a Human Rights Framework, Peter K. Yu
Ten Common Questions about Intellectual Property and Human Rights, Peter K. Yu
The International Enclosure Movement, Peter K. Yu
Physicians’ Insurance Limits and Malpractice Payments: Evidence from Texas Closed Claims, 1990–2003, Kathryn Zeiler, Charles Silver, David A. Hyman, and William M. Sage
Submissions from 2006
Dialectical Regulation, Robert B. Ahdieh
The Strategy of Boilerplate, Robert B. Ahdieh
Newfound Religion: Mothers, God, and Infanticide, Susan Ayres
Rethinking Spyware: Questioning the Propriety of Contractual Consent to Online Surveillance, Wayne R. Barnes
Theory and Anti-Theory in the Work of Allan Farnsworth, Wayne R. Barnes
Practical Guide to U.S. Transfer Pricing, William Byrnes and Robert T. Cole
A Critical Analysis of the Doctrine of Naked Licenses in Trademark Law, Irene Calboli
Expanding the Protection of Geographical Indications of Origin under TRIPS: Old Debate or New Opportunity, Irene Calboli
Do Divorce Law Reforms Matter for Divorce Rates - Evidence from Portugal, Clarisse Coelho and Nuno Garoupa
Precious, Worthless, or Immeasurable: The Value and Ethic of Water, Gabriel Eckstein
A Strategic Interpretation of Legal Transplants, Nuno Garoupa and Anthony Ogus
Access to Justice, Costs, and Legal Aid, James P. George
Jurisdictional Implications in the Reduced Funding of Lower Federal Courts, James P. George
Conflict of Laws (2006), James P. George and Anna K. Teller
Only One Kick at the Cat: A Contextual Rubric for Evaluating Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in International Commercial Arbitration, Randy D. Gordon
Ethical Incentives for Employers in Adopting Legal Service Plans to Handle Employment Disputes, Michael Z. Green
Understanding the Ex Parte Communications Ban in Employment Disputes, Michael Z. Green
Student Quality as Measured by LSAT Scores: Migration Patterns in the U.S. News Rankings Era, William D. Henderson and Andrew P. Morriss
The State of the Uniform Commercial Code--2005, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller
A History of Miranda and Why It Remains Vital Today, Roscoe C. Howard Jr and Lisa A. Rich
Subsidizing Health Care Providers Through The Tax Code: Status Or Conduct?, David A. Hyman and William M. Sage
Resolving Medical Malpractice Claims in the Medicare Program: Can It Be Done?, Eleanor D. Kinney and William M. Sage
Legitimacy as an Assessment of Existing Legal Standards: The Case of the 2003 Iraq War, Charlotte Ku
Filling in the Gaps: Extrasystemic Mechanisms for Addressing Imbalances between the International Legal Operating System and the Normative System, Charlotte Ku and Paul F. Diehl
Comparativa entre les reformes dels Estatuts d'Autonomia de Catalunya i d'Andalusia [Comparative Analysis of the Reforms of the Charters of Autonomy of Catalonia and Andalucía], Albert Lamarca-Marquès and Vanessa Casado-Pérez
Distinguishing Dastar: Consumer Protection, Moral Rights and Section 43(a), Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Litigating to Regulate: Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, Andrew P. Morriss
Real People, Real Resources, and Real Choices: The Case for Market Valuation of Water, Andrew P. Morriss
The Public-Private Security Partnership: Counterterrorism Considerations for Employers in a Post-9/11 World, Andrew P. Morriss
Thinking about Economics as Religion, Andrew P. Morriss
Defining What to Regulate: Silica and the Problem of Regulatory Categorization, Andrew P. Morriss and Susan E. Dudley
Hardrock Homesteads: Free Access and the General Mining Law of 1872, Andrew P. Morriss, Roger E. Meiners, and Andrew Dorchak
Constitutionalizing Patents: From Venice to Philadelphia, Andrew P. Morriss and Craig A. Nard
Enron’s Houdini – How They (Almost) Mastered the Illusion of Prosperity and Profitability, Neal F. Newman
Surviving IRS Examinations and Appeals, Emily A. Parker and Robert D. Probasco
Who Pays? The Incidence of High Malpractice Premiums, Mark Pauly, Christy Thompson, Thomas Abbott, James Margolis, and William M. Sage
Miranda, Please Report to the Principal's Office, Meg Penrose
The Constitutional Right Not to Cooperate - Local Sovereignty and the Federal Immigration Power, Huyen Pham
Of Plant Variety Protection, Agricultural Subsidies, and the WTO, Srividhya Ragavan
Of the Inequals of the Uruguay Round, Srividhya Ragavan
Horses or Unicorns: Can Paying for Performance Make Quality Competition Routine?, William M. Sage
Malpractice Liability, Patient Safety, and the Personification of Medical Injury: Opportunities for Academic Medicine, William M. Sage
Malpractice Reform as a Health Policy Problem, William M. Sage
Pay for Performance: Will It Work in Theory, William M. Sage
The Role of Medicare in Medical Malpractice Reform, William M. Sage
Introduction, William M. Sage and Rogan Kersh
Medical Malpractice and the U.S. Health Care System, William M. Sage and Rogan Kersh
Medicare-Led Malpractice Reform, William M. Sage and Eleanor D. Kinney
Bridging the Relational-Regulatory Gap: A Pragmatic Information Policy for Patient Safety and Medical Malpractice, William M. Sage, Joshua Graff Zivin, and Nathaniel B. Chase
Post-Acquisition Harassment and the Scope of the Fair Housing Act, Aric Short
Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, Franklin G. Snyder
Sausage-Making, Pigs' Ears, and Congressional Expansions of Federal Jurisdiction: Exxon Mobil v. Allapattah and Its Lessons for the Class Action Fairness Act, Adam N. Steinman
The Irrepressible Myth of Celotex: Reconsidering Summary Judgment Burdens Twenty Years after the Trilogy, Adam N. Steinman
State Action Antitrust Exemption Collides with Deregulation: Rehabilitating the Foreseeability Doctrine, Elizabeth Trujillo
Valuation for Customs Purposes, Elizabeth Trujillo
Perceptions of Fairness, Nancy A. Welsh
The Law of Bargaining, Nancy A. Welsh
Not for Sale: Explaining Eminent Domain, Property Rights and the U.S. Supreme Court, Frederic P. White
Anticircumvention and Anti-anticircumvention, Peter K. Yu
Book Review of Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment, Peter K. Yu
Five Disharmonizing Trends in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu
From Pirates to Partners (Episode II): Protecting Intellectual Property in Post-WTO China, Peter K. Yu
Of Monks, Medieval Scribes, and Middlemen, Peter K. Yu
TRIPS and Its Discontents, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2005
From "Federalization" to "Mixed Governance" in Corporate Law: A Defense of Sarbanes-Oxley, Robert B. Ahdieh
The Role of Groups in Norm Transformation: A Dramatic Sketch, in Three Parts, Robert B. Ahdieh
The Choice of Tilting System in Land, Benito Arrunada and Nuno Garoupa
Hélène Cixous's The Perjured City: Nonprosecution Alternatives to Collective Violence, Susan Ayres
Introduction: The Power of Stories: Gloucester Tales, Susan Ayres
The Rhetorics of Taking Cases: It's Mine v. Let's Share, Susan Ayres