Submissions from 2004
A Constitution for Judicial Lawmaking, Adam N. Steinman
Perceptions of Fairness in Negotiation, Nancy A. Welsh
Reconciling Self-Determination, Coercion, and Settlement in Court-Connected Mediation, Nancy A. Welsh
Remembering the Role of Justice in Resolution: Insights from Procedural and Social Justice Theories, Nancy A. Welsh
Stepping Back Through the Looking Glass: Real Conversations with Real Disputants About Institutionalized Mediation and Its Value, Nancy A. Welsh
The Place of Court-Connected Mediation in a Democratic Justice System, Nancy A. Welsh
Currents and Crosscurrents in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property at a Crossroads: Why History Matters, Peter K. Yu
The Escalating Copyright Wars, Peter K. Yu
The Origins of ccTLD Policymaking, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2003
Making Markets: Network Effects and the Role of Law in the Creation of Strong Securities Markets, Robert B. Ahdieh
The Dynamics of International Law: The Interaction of Normative and Operating Systems, Paul F. Diehl, Charlotte Ku, and Daniel Zamora
A Hydrogeological Approach to Transboundary Ground Water Resources and International Law, Gabriel Eckstein and Yoram Eckstein
Ground Water Resources and International Law in the Middle East Process, Yoram Eckstein and Gabriel Eckstein
High Drama and Hindsight: The LLP Shield Post-Anderson, Susan Saab Fortney
I Don't Have Time to Be Ethical: Addressing the Effects of Billable Hour Pressure, Susan Saab Fortney
The Anti-Injunction Act and the definition of English common law, James P. George
Conflict of Laws (2003), James P. George and Anna K. Teller
Opposing Excessive Use of Employer Bargaining Power in Mandatory Arbitration Agreements through Collective Employee Actions, Michael Z. Green
Uncertain Times: Kenneth Arrow and the Changing Economics of Health Care, Peter J. Hammer, Deborah Haas-Wilson, William M. Sage, and Mark A. Peterson
Critical Issues In Hospital Antitrust Law, Peter J. Hammer and William M. Sage
Health Care Dispute Resolution, Maxine M. Harrington
The State of the Uniform Commercial Code - 2002, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller
The State of the Uniform Commercial Code 2003 (Part 1 of 2), William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller
Currents in Contemporary Ethics, Sharona Hoffmann and Andrew P. Morriss
When Can Nations Go to War - Politics and Change in the UN Security System, Charlotte Ku
Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law, Charlotte Ku and Harold K. Jacobson
Institutionalization: What do empirical studies tell us about court mediation?, Bobbi McAdoo, Nancy A. Welsh, and Roselle L. Wissler
Hospitals’ Behavior In A Tort Crisis: Observations From Pennsylvania, Michelle M. Mello, Carly N. Kelly, David M. Studdert, Troyen A. Brennan, and William M. Sage
Market Principles for Pesticides, Andrew P. Morriss and Roger E. Meiners
Between a Hard Rock and a Hard Place: Politics, Midnight Regulations and Mining, Andrew P. Morriss, Roger E. Meiners, and Andrew Dorchak
No Badges, No Bars: A Conspicuous Oversight in the Development of an International Criminal Court, Mary Margaret Penrose
Can't We All Get Along? The Case for a Workable Patent Model, Srividhya Ragavan
Managed Care’s Crimea: Medical Necessity, Therapeutic Benefit, and the Goals of Administrative Process in Health Insurance, William M. Sage
Medical Liability And Patient Safety, William M. Sage
Protecting Competition And Consumers: A Conversation With Timothy J. Muris, William M. Sage
Unfinished Business: How Litigation Relates to Health Care Regulation, William M. Sage
Why Competition Law Matters To Health Care Quality, William M. Sage, David A. Hyman, and Warren Greenberg
Attorney-Client Sex: A Feminist Critique of the Absence of Regulation, Malinda L. Seymore
More Pieces of the CEO Compensation Puzzle, Franklin G. Snyder
The Pernicious Effect of Employment Relationships on the Law of Contracts, Franklin G. Snyder
Foreword: NAFTA as a Lesson for Globalization, Elizabeth Trujillo
Four Common Misconceptions About Copyright Piracy, Peter K. Yu
The Copyright Divide, Peter K. Yu
The Harmonization Game: What Basketball Can Teach about Intellectual Property and International Trade, Peter K. Yu
The Never-Ending CCTLD Story, Peter K. Yu
Traditional Knowledge, Intellectual Property, and Indigenous Culture: An Introduction, Peter K. Yu
China and the WTO: Progress, Perils, and Prospects, Peter K. Yu, Gordon G. Chang, Jerome A. Cohen, Elizabeth C. Economy, Sharon K. Hom, and Adam Qi Li
Submissions from 2002
Community Conflicts over Intensive Livestock Operations: How and Why Do Such Conflicts Escalate?, Charles W. Abdalla, John C. Becker, Ralph Hanke, Celia Cook-Huffman, Barbara Gray, and Nancy A. Welsh
Introduction: The Virtues and Vices of Skeptical Environmentalism, Jonathan H. Adler and Andrew P. Morriss
The Cookie Cutter Syndrome: Legal Reform Assistance under Post-Communist Democratization Programs, Cynthia Alkon
Trademark Exhaustion in the European Union: Community-Wide or International--The Saga Continues, Irene Calboli
The First International Competition for Online Dispute Resolution: Is this Big, Different and New?, Benjamin G. Davis, Franklin G. Snyder, Kay Elkins Elliott, Peter B. Manzo, Alan Gaitenby, and David Allen Larson
Secured Transactions Under the Uniform Commercial Code and International Commerce, Louis F. Del Duca, Egon Guttman, Frederick H. Miller, Peter Winship, and William H. Henning
Development of International Water Law and the UN Watercourse Convention, Gabriel Eckstein
A Jurisprudential Analysis of Government Intervention and Prenatal Drug Abuse, Susan Saab Fortney
An Empirical Study of Associate Satisfaction, Law Firm Culture, and the Effects of Billable Hour Requirements - Part Two, Susan Saab Fortney
Ethics Counsel's Role in Combating the "Ostrich" Tendency, Susan Saab Fortney
Fortifying a Law Firm's Ethical Infrastructure: Avoiding Legal Malpractice Claims Based on Conflicts of Interest, Susan Saab Fortney and Jett Hanna
International Parallel Litigation - A Survey of Current Conventions and Model Laws, James P. George
Notations for Subsequent Histories in Civil Cases, James Hambleton
Antitrust, Health Care Quality, and the Courts, Peter J. Hammer and William M. Sage
Perspectives of a New Executive Director, William H. Henning
UCITA Revisted, William H. Henning, Fred H. Miller, and Michael R. Kerr
Challenging a Tradition of Exclusion: The History of an Unheard Story at Harvard Law School, Luz E. Herrera
Fair Use and Market Failure: Sony Revisited, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Raising the Civilized Minimum of Pain Amelioration for Prisoners to Avoid Cruel and Unusual Punishment, James McGrath
Property Rights, Pesticides, & (and) Public Health: Explaining the Paradox of Modern Pesticide Policy, Andrew P. Morriss and Roger E. Meiners
Silent Springs and Silent Villages: Pesticides and the Trampling of Property Rights, Andrew P. Morriss and Roger E. Meiners
Principles for Water, Andrew P. Morriss, Bruce Yandle, and Terry L. Anderson
Beyond Observable Prejudice-Moving from Recognition of Differences to Feasible Solutions: A Critique of Ian Ayres' Pervasive Prejudice?, Mary Margaret Penrose
The Global South as the Key to Biodiversity and Biotechnology - A Reply to Prof. Chen, Srividhya Ragavan
The Lawyers' Role in Selecting the President: A Complete Legal History of the 2000 Election, Lynne H. Rambo
Putting the Patient in Patient Safety: Linking Patient Complaints and Malpractice Risk, William M. Sage
Disputants' Decision Control in Court-Connected Mediation: A Hollow Promise Without Procedural Justice, Nancy A. Welsh
Institutionalized Conflict Resolution: Have We Come to Expect Too Little?, Nancy A. Welsh and Peter T. Coleman
Searching for a Sense of Control: The Challenge Presented by Community Conflicts over Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Nancy A. Welsh and Barbara Gray
Regulation by Litigation: The Diesel Engine Episode, Bruce Yandle, Andrew P. Morris, and Lea-Rachel Kosnik
Bridging the Digital Divide: Equality in the Information Age, Peter K. Yu
The European Union's Privacy Directive, Peter K. Yu
The Second Coming of Intellectual Property Rights in China, Peter K. Yu
World Trade, Intellectual Property, and the Global Elites: An Introduction, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2001
From Marbury v. Madison to Bush v. Gore: 200 Years of Judicial Review in the United States, Stephen R. Alton
Incest in a Thousdand Acres: Cheap Trick or Feminist Re-vision, Susan Ayres
Public International Law: Environmental Law, Gilbert M. Bankobeza, Susan Biniaz, Clare Breidenich, Melanne Andromecca Civic, Gabriel E. Eckstein, David Favre, Paul E. Hagen, Teresa Hobgood, Karissa Taylor Kovner, Gregory F. Maggio, Howard Mann, Darlene A. Pearson, Margaret F. Spring, Katherine E. Mills, David W. Wagner, and John Barlow Weiner
A Review of the Development of an Internet Delivered LL.M Program in the United States, William Byrnes
International Trust Laws and Analysis: Company Laws, Wealth Management & Tax Planning Strategies, William Byrnes
An Empirical Study of Associate Satisfaction, Law Firm Culture, and the Effects of Billable Hour Requirements - Part One, Susan Saab Fortney
Is it Educational Malpractice Not to Teach Comparative Legal Ethics?, Susan Saab Fortney
Optimal magnitude and probability of fines, Nuno Garoupa
The Federal Courthouse Door: A Federal Jurisdiction Guide, James Paul George
A 2001 Employment Law Odyssey: The Invasion of Privacy Tort Takes Flight in the Florida Workplace, Michael Z. Green
Proposing a New Paradigm for EEOC Enforcement after 35 Years: Outsourcing Charge Processing by Mandatory Mediation, Michael Z. Green