Submissions from 1997
Private Actors & (and) Structural Balance: Militia & (and) the Free Rider Problem in Private Provision of Law, Andrew P. Morriss
Specialized Labor and Employment Law Institutions in New Zealand and the United States, Andrew P. Morriss
Enterprise Liability and the Emerging Managed Health Care System, William M. Sage
Judge Posner's RFP: Antitrust Law And Managed Care, William M. Sage
Grappling the Monster Case: The Next Frontier in ADR, Nancy A. Welsh and Ann Montgomery
Submissions from 1996
Are Law Firm Partners Islands unto Themselves? An Empirical Study of Law Firm Peer Review and Culture, Susan Saab Fortney
Fast Dancing, James Hambleton
Catholicism, the Peace of Westphalia, and the Origins of Modern International Law, Charlotte Ku
The ASIL as an Epistemic Community, Charlotte Ku
Lotus v. Borland: Copyright and Computer Programs, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Reexamining Copyright's Incentives--Access Paradigm, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
System Implementation Means Difficult Choices, Barbara McAdoo and Nancy A. Welsh
The Times They Are a Changin' - Or Are They? An Update on Rule 114, Barbara McAdoo and Nancy A. Welsh
Bad Data, Bad Economics, and Bad Policy: Time to Fire Wrongful Discharge Law, Andrew P. Morriss
Funding Fairness: Public Investment, Proprietary Rights and Access to Health Care Technology, William M. Sage
‘Health Law 2000’: The Legal System And The Changing Health Care Market, William M. Sage
Isn't it a Crime: Feminist Perspectives on Spousal Immunity and Spousal Violence, Malinda L. Seymore
Submissions from 1995
Mandatory Prelicensure Legal Internship: A Renewed Plea for Its Implementation in Light of the MacCrate Report, Stephen R. Alton
The "Straight Mind" in Russ’s The Female Man, Susan Ayres
Application of International Water Law to Transboundary Groundwater Resources, and the Slovak-Hungarian Dispute over Gabcikovo-Nagymaros, Gabriel Eckstein
Human Rights Environmentalism: Forging Common Ground, Gabriel Eckstein and Miriam Gitlin
Am I My Partner's Keeper? Peer Review in Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney
The Developing Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Global Policy and Law Making, Charlotte Ku
Responsibility, Causation, and the Harm-Benefit Line in Takings Jurisprudence, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Developing a Framework for Empirical Research on the Common Law: General Principles and Case Studies of the Decline of Employment-at-Will, Andrew P. Morriss
This State Will Soon Have Plenty of Laws - Lessons from One Hundred Years of Codification in Montana, Andrew P. Morriss
Against the Peace and Dignity of the State: Spousal Violence and Spousal Privilege, Malinda L. Seymore
Submissions from 1994
Choice of Law: A Guide for Texas Attorneys, James P. George
Abolition of China's Unequal Treaties and the Search for Regional Stability in Asia, 1919-1943, Charlotte Ku
Change and Stability in the International System: China Secures Revision of the Unequal Treaties, Charlotte Ku
Images to Frame the Discourse: Group Cohesion and the State, Charlotte Ku
International Legitimation in the Late Twentieth Century, Charlotte Ku
Exploding Myths: An Empirical and Economic Reassessment of the Rise of Employment At-Will, Andrew P. Morriss
Enterprise Liability for Medical Malpractice and Health Care Quality Improvement, William M. Sage, Kathleen E. Hastings, and Robert A. Berenson
A World That Won't Stand Still: Enterprise Liability by Private Contract, William M. Sage and James M. Jorling
Submissions from 1993
OTS vs The Bar: Must Atorneys Advise Directors that the Directors Owe a Duty to the Depository Fund?, Susan Saab Fortney
Choice of Language in Bilateral Treaties: Fifty Years of Changing State Practice, John King Gamble and Charlotte Ku
Preempting Justice through Binding Arbitration of Future Disputes: Mere Adhesion Contracts or a Trap for the Unwary Consumer, Michael Z. Green
Compensation for Takings: How Much Is Just, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Reviewing the Law Reviews, Texas-Style, Jim Paulsen and James Hambleton
Who Was That Masked Court - An Introduction to Texas' New Special Court of Review, Jim Paulsen and James Hambleton
Assisted Suicide: A Tough Pill to Swallow, Mary Margaret Penrose
Submissions from 1992
Staffing National Health Care Reform: A Role for Advanced Practice Nurses, Linda H. Aiken and William M. Sage
In the Wake of Thoreau: Four Morden Legal Philosophers and the Theory of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience, Stephen R. Alton
Mandatory Prelicensure Legal Internship: An Idea Whose Time Has Come Again, Stephen R. Alton
Justice for Rodney King, Scott C. Burrell, Alan R. Dial, and Thomas W. Mitchell
Attorneys' Malpractice Policies: Regulatory Exclusions and Public Policy, Susan Saab Fortney
Texas Probate, Estate and Trust Administration, Terri Lynn Helge
The Law of Sales Under the Uniform Commercial Code, William H. Henning, William H. Lawrence, and George I. Wallach
A Critical Reexamination of the Takings Jurisprudence, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Of PDRs and Precedent, Jim Paulson and James Hambleton
Submissions from 1991
The Archipelagic States Concept and Regional Stability in Southeast Asia, Charlotte Ku
Court-Ordered ADR: What are the Limits?, Nancy A. Welsh
Submissions from 1990
Book Review - Reviewing John Eidsmoe, Christianity and the Constitution: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers (1987), Stephen R. Alton
Book Review - Reviewing S. Prakash Sinha, What Is Law? (1989), Stephen R. Alton
Conflict of Laws (1990), Sharon N. Freytag, James P. George, and Michelle E. McCoy
The Concept of Res Communis in International Law, Charlotte Ku
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: From Crown to Chinese Colony, Charlotte Ku
A Pocket Part of Posey's: A Daring Expose of Posey's Unreported Cases, Jim Paulsen and James Hambleton
Submissions from 1989
Conflicts of Law (1989), Sharon N. Freytag, Don D. Bush, and James Paul George
Electronic Technology and the Law Firm Librarian, James Hambleton
Managing Information and Libraries in the Electronic Era, James Hambleton
Atari Games v. Nintendo: Does a Closed System Violate the Antitrust Laws, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Copyright Protection for ASIC Gate Configurations: PLDs, Custom and Semicustom Chips, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
West's 1989 Texas Rules of Court - One Step Forward, One Step Back, Jim Paulsen and James Hambleton
Appellate Reversal for Insufficient Evidence In Criminal Cases: The Interaction of the Proof and the Jury Charge, Malinda L. Seymore and Mark Thielman
Submissions from 1988
Conflict of Laws (1988), Sharon N. Freytag, Don D. Bush, and James Paul George
Confederate and Carpetbaggers: The Precedential Value of Decisions from the Civil War and Reconstruction Era, Jim Paulsen and James Hambleton
Drug Product Liability and Health Care Delivery Systems, William M. Sage
Physician-Generated Cost Containment in Transurethral Prostatectomy, William M. Sage, Robert Kessler, Lucia S. Sommers, and James F. Silverman
Submissions from 1987
Choice of Law Outline for Texas Courts, James P. George
Conflict of Law (1987), James Paul George and Fred C. Pedersen
Better Late than Never: Publication of the Decisions from the 1845 Term of the Republic of Texas Supreme Court, James Hambleton and David A. Greenblatt
Texas Session Laws: Same Chapter, Different Verse, James Hambleton and Jim Paulsen
Intensive Care for the Elderly: Outcome of Elective and Nonelective Admissions, William M. Sage, Carolyn R. Hurst, James F. Silverman, and Walter M. Bortz II
Determining Limitation Periods for Actions Arising under Federal Statutes, Neil Sobol
Submissions from 1986
Conflict of Laws (1986), James Paul George and Fred C. Pedersen
Constitutionalizing the Codes, James Hambleton and Jim Paulsen
New Rules: A Pocket Introduction, James Hambleton and Jim Paulsen
The "Official" Texas Court Reports: The Rest of the Story, James Hambleton and Jim Paulsen
The Official Texas Court Reports: Birth, Death and Resurrection, Jim Paulsen and James Hambleton
An Unconstitutional Fiction: The Felony-Murder Rule as Applied to the Supply of Drugs, Lynne H. Rambo
Is intensive care worth it?–An assessment of input and outcome for the critically ill, William M. Sage, Myer H. Rosenthal, and James Silverman
Submissions from 1985
A New Service on the Texas Legal Horizon: Texas Supreme Court Index, James Hambleton and Jim Paulsen
Writ Writing Revisited: The Auto-Cite Approach, James Hambleton and Jim Paulsen
A Modified Approach to Article 9 Deficiencies in Missouri, William H. Henning
Avoidance of Completed Real Estate Foreclosures in Bankruptcy, William H. Henning and Grant S. Nelson
Whatever Happened to 1845 - The Missing Decisions of the Texas Supreme Court, Jim Paulsen and James Hambleton
Submissions from 1984
Defining Filartiga: Characterizing International Torture Claims in United States Courts, James Paul George
An Analysis of Durrett and Its Impact on Real and Personal Property Foreclosures: Some Proposed Modifications, William H. Henning
Submissions from 1983
The All-Time All-Star All-Era Supreme Court, James E. Hambleton
Computers and the Law, James Hambleton and David Matone
Elimination of Automatic Judgment Liens in Missouri, William H. Henning
The Impact of Revised Article 9 on Missouri's Fixture Financing Scheme, William H. Henning
Submissions from 1982
Environmental Law (1982), H. Dennis Kelly
Intellectual Property, H. Dennis Kelly
Employer Withdrawal from Multiemployer Bargaining--Charles D. Bonanno Linen Service v. NLRB, Franklin G. Snyder
Nonjudicial Foreclosure Under Deed of Trust May Be a Fraudulent Transfer of Bankrupt's Property: Durrett v. Washington National Insurance Co., Franklin G. Snyder
The Ohio Sunshine Act: An Appraisal, Frederic White