Submissions from 2005
The Billable Hours Derby: Empirical Data on the Problems and Pressure Points, Susan Saab Fortney
In Pursuit of Attorney Work-Life Balance: Best Practices in Management, Susan Saab Fortney, Cynthia L. Spanhel, and Paula A. Patton
Human-Centric International Law: A Model and a Search for Empirical Indicators, John King Gamble, Charlotte Ku, and Chris Strayer
Conflict of Laws (2005), James P. George and Anna K. Teller
Rethinking Civil RICO: The Vexing Problem of Causation in Fraud-Based Claims Under 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c), Randy D. Gordon
Race and Neutrality in the ADR of Employment Discrimination Claims: Are They Divergent Interests?, Michael Z. Green
Addressing Race Discrimination under Title VII after Forty Years: The Promise of ADR as Interest-Convergence, Michael Z. Green
An Essay Challenging the Racially Biased Selection of Arbitrators for Employment Discrimination Suits, Michael Z. Green
Tackling Employment Discrimination with ADR: Does Mediation Offer a Shield for the Haves or Real Opportunity for the Have-Nots, Michael Z. Green
Death With Dignity or Despair? What Shakespeare’s Stories Tell Us About the Physician-Assisted Suicide Debate, Maxine H. Harrington
Revisiting Medical Error: Five Years after the IOM Report, Have Reporting Systems Made a Measurable Difference, Maxine M. Harrington
Inherently Dangerous: The Potential for an Internet-Specific Standard Restricting Speech That Performs a Teaching Function, H. Brian Holland
Tempest in a Teapot or Tidal Wave - Cybersquatting Rights and Remedies Run Amok, H. Brian Holland
The Failure of the Rule of Law in Cyberspace: Reorienting the Normative Debate on Borders and Territorial Sovereignty, H. Brian Holland
Impact of Malpractice Reforms on the Supply of Physician Services, Daniel P. Kessler, William M. Sage, and David J. Becker
Collective Security and the Personalization of Peace, Charlotte Ku
Forging a Multilayered System of Global Governance, Charlotte Ku
Introduction to Transnational Law: What Is It - How Does It Differ from International Law and Comparative Law, Charlotte Ku
In the Interests of Justice: A Critique of the ICTY Trial Court's Decision to Assign Counsel to Slobodan Milosevic, Milan Markovic
Look Before You Leap and Keep on Looking: Lessons from the Institutionalization of Court-Connected Mediation, Bobbi McAdoo and Nancy A. Welsh
Computing Interest on Overpayments and Underpayments: How Difficult Can It Be? Very!, Mary A. McNulty, David H. Boucher, Joseph M. Incorvaia, and Robert D. Probasco
Tax Shelter Disclosure and Penalties: New Requirements, New Exposures, Mary A. McNulty and Robert D. Probasco
Effects of a Malpractice Crisis on Specialist Supply and Patient Access to Care, Michelle M. Mello, David M. Studdert, Catherine M. DesRoches, Jordon Peugh, Kinga Zapert, Troyen A. Brennan, and William M. Sage
Destabilizing the Normalization of Rural Black Land Loss: A Critical Role for Legal Empiricism, Thomas W. Mitchell
Hayek & (and) Cowboys: Customary Law in the American West, Andrew P. Morriss
The Market for Legal Education & Freedom of Association: Why the Solomon Amendment Is Constitutional and Law Schools are Not Expressive Associations, Andrew P. Morriss
Signaling and Precedent in Federal District Court Opinions, Andrew P. Morriss, Michael Heise, and Gregory C. Sisk
Private Dispute Resolution in the Card Context: Structure, Reputation, and Incentives, Andrew P. Morriss and Jason Korosec
Choosing How to Regulate, Andrew P. Morriss, Bruce Yandle, and Andrew Dorchak
A Short and Plain Solution to the Medical Malpractice Crisis: Why Charles E. Clark Remains Prophetically Correct about Special Pleading and the Big Case, Mary Margaret Penrose and Dace A. Caldwell
Chapter Report: Southwestern Association of Law Libraries, Susan T. Phillips
The Status of Detainees from the Iraq and Afghanistan Conflicts, Srividhya Ragavan and Michael S. Mireles
Teaching Law Students How to Feel: Using Negotiations Training to Increase Emotional Intelligence, Peter Reilly
Malpractice Reform as a Health Policy Problem, William M. Sage
Medical Malpractice Insurance and the Emperor's Clothes, William M. Sage
The Presidency and the Meaning of Citizenship, Malinda L. Seymore
Public Medical Malpractice Insurance: An Analysis of State-Operated Patient Compensation Funds, Frank A. Sloan, Carrie A. Mathews, Christopher J. Conover, and William M. Sage
Relational Contracting in a Digital Age, Franklin G. Snyder
The Shaft: The Hadley v. Baxendale Song, Franklin G. Snyder
Defensive Medicine Among High-Risk Specialist Physicians in a Volatile Malpractice Environment, David M. Studdert, Michelle M. Mello, William M. Sage, Catherine M. DesRoches, Kinga Zapert, and Troyen A. Brennan
Harry Potter and the Law, Jeffrey E. Thomas, James Charles Smith, Danaya Wright, and Benjamin H. Barton
Institutionalization and Professionalization, Nancy A. Welsh
Eyes on the Prize: The Struggle for Professionalism, Nancy A. Welsh and Bobbi McAdoo
The Trouble with Email: Suspect Every Negative Declaration, Frederic White
Intellectual Property and the Information Ecosystem, Peter K. Yu
P2P and the Future of Private Copying, Peter K. Yu
Still Dissatisfied After All These Years: Intellectual Property, Post-WTO China, and the Avoidable Cycle of Futility, Peter K. Yu
The Trust and Distrust of Intellectual Property Rights, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2004
Between Dialogue and Decree: International Review of National Courts, Robert B. Ahdieh
Between Mandate and Market: Contract Transition in the Shadow of the International Order, Robert B. Ahdieh
Law's Signal: A Cueing Theory of Law in Market Transition, Robert B. Ahdieh
[N]ot a Story to Pass On: Constructing Mothers Who Kill, Susan Ayres
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle: How Children's Literature Reflects Motherhood, Identity, and International Adoption, Susan Ayres
The Silent Voices of the Law, Susan Ayres
Tax Facts on Insurance & Employee Benefits, Robert Bloink and William Byrnes
Tax Facts on Investments, Robert Bloink and William Byrnes
Negotiation as One Among Many Tools, Jennifer Gerarda Brown, Marcia Caton Campbell, Jayne Seminare Docherty, and Nancy A. Welsh
Ancient Roman Munificence: The Development of the Practice and Law of Charity, William H. Byrnes IV
The Private Foundation's Topsy Turvy Road in the American Political Process, William H. Byrnes IV
Intellectual Property Law and Indigenous Peoples: Adapting Copyright Law to the Needs of a Global Community, Megan M. Carpenter
Settlement Advocacy, Kay Elkins-Elliott and Frank W. Elliott
Chicken Little Lives: The Anticipated and Actual Effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on Corporate Lawyers' Conduct, Susan Saab Fortney
Law Student Admissions and Ethics - Rethinking Character and Fitness Inquiries, Susan Saab Fortney
Legal Malpractice Insurance: Surviving the Perfect Storm, Susan Saab Fortney
Corruption and the optimal use of nonmonetary sanctions, Nuno Garoupa and Daniel Klerman
False Conflicts and Faulty Analyses: Judicial Misuse of Governmental Interests in the Second Restatement of Conflict of Laws, James P. George
Conflict of Laws (2004), James P. George and Anna K. Teller
Finding Lawyers for Employees in Discrimination Disputes as a Critical Prescription for Unions to Embrace Racial Justice, Michael Z. Green
Monopsony as an Agency and Regulatory Problem in Health Care, Peter J. Hammer and William M. Sage
The State of the Uniform Commercial Code 2003 (Part 2 of 2), William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller
Birth after Death: Perpetuities and the New Reproductive Technologies, Sharona Hoffman and Andrew P. Morriss
The Law of Bargaining, Russell Korobkin, Michael Moffitt, and Nancy A. Welsh
Using Military Forces under International Auspices: A Mixed System of Accountability, Charlotte Ku
Patent Law, the Federal Circuit, and the Supreme Court, A Quiet Revolution, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Court-Connected General Civil ADR Programs: Aiming for Institutionalization, Efficient Resolution, and the Experience of Justice, Bobbi McAdoo and Nancy A. Welsh
Abstinence-Only Adolescent Education: Ineffective, Unpopular, and Unconstitutional, James McGrath
Caring For Patients In A Malpractice Crisis: Physician Satisfaction And Quality Of Care, Michelle M. Mello, David M. Studdert, Catherine M. DesRoches, Jordon Peugh, Kinga Zapert, Troyen A. Brennan, and William M. Sage
Problems and Solutions Under UCC Article 2, Fred H. Miller and William H. Henning
Comment: A Public Choice Perspective on the Federal Circuit, Andrew P. Morriss
Symposium: The Roles of Markets and Governments: Introduction, Andrew P. Morriss
Homesteading Rock: A Defense of Free Access under the General Mining Law of 1872, Andrew P. Morriss, Roger E. Meiners, and Andrew Dorchak
Regulating by Litigation: The EPA's Regulation of Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines, Andrew P. Morriss, Bruce Yandle, and Andrew Dorchak
A "Patent" Restriction on Research & Development: Infringers or Innovators?, Srividhya Ragavan
The Jekyll and Hyde Story of International Trade: The Supreme Court in Phrma v. Walsh and the TRIPS Agreement, Srividhya Ragavan
New Directions in Medical Liability Reform, William M. Sage
Reputation, Malpractice Liability, and Medical Error, William M. Sage
The Forgotten Third: Liability Insurance And The Medical Malpractice Crisis, William M. Sage
International Adoption & International Comity: When Is Adoption Repugnant, Malinda L. Seymore
Searching for the Soul of Judicial Decisionmaking: An Empirical Study of Religious Freedom Decisions, Gregory C. Sisk, Michael Heise, and Andrew P. Morriss
Sharing Sovereignty: Non-State Associations and the Limits of State Power, Franklin G. Snyder
A Constitution for Judicial Lawmaking, Adam N. Steinman
Perceptions of Fairness in Negotiation, Nancy A. Welsh
Reconciling Self-Determination, Coercion, and Settlement in Court-Connected Mediation, Nancy A. Welsh
Remembering the Role of Justice in Resolution: Insights from Procedural and Social Justice Theories, Nancy A. Welsh
Stepping Back Through the Looking Glass: Real Conversations with Real Disputants About Institutionalized Mediation and Its Value, Nancy A. Welsh
The Place of Court-Connected Mediation in a Democratic Justice System, Nancy A. Welsh
Currents and Crosscurrents in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property at a Crossroads: Why History Matters, Peter K. Yu