Submissions from 2025
The Other Secret Deals: Uncovering The Power of Non-Binding International Agreements, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Adding Nativity, Citizenship, and Immigration Status to Health Monitoring and Survey Data, Fatma E. Marouf, Krista M. Perreira, and Huyen Pham
The Handbook of Fashion Law, Eleonora Rosati and Irene Calboli
Self-regulation in Emerging and Innovative Industries, Daniel E. Walters and Hannah J. Wiseman
Submissions from 2024
Negotiating Police Reform, Cynthia Alkon
Inmate Assistance Programs: Toward a Less Punitive and More Effective Criminal Justice System, Erkmen G. Aslim, Yijia Lu, and Murat C. Mungan
A welfare analysis of Medicaid and recidivism, Erkmen G. Aslim, Murat C. Mungan, and Han Yu
Critical Race Theory Bans and the Changing Canon: Cultural Appropriation in Narrative, Susan Ayres
Online Disinhibited Contracts, Wayne R. Barnes
Shifting Toward Boilerplate Regulation, Wayne R. Barnes
The Ideology of Press Freedom, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
The Promise and Perils of Tech Whistleblowing, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Cyber Civil Libertarianism, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
Pushing a Square Pin into a Round Hole? Intellectual Property Challenges to a Sustainable and Circular Economy, and What to Do About It, Irene Calboli
The protection against unfair competition and passing off in ASEAN Member States: a review and commentary, Irene Calboli
Reconstructing Citizenship, Jenny E. Carroll and James Jeter
Evolving Sovereignty Relationships Between Affiliated Jurisdictions: Lessons for Native American Jurisdictions, Vaughan Carter, Charlotte Ku, and Andrew P. Morriss
Whistle-blowing and the incentive to hire, Jef De Mot and Murat C. Mungan
Teaching International Law, Paul F. Diehl and Charlotte Ku
Identifying International Legal Trends for Managing Transboundary Groundwater and Aquifers, Gabriel Eckstein
Cross-Border Impacts Related to Transboundary Aquifers: Characterizing Legal Responsibility and Liability, Gabriel Eckstein and Yoram Eckstein
Virtual Energy, Joel B. Eisen, Felix Mormann, and Heather E. Payne
Promoting Judicial Clerk Transparency: A Proposal That Balances Hiring Prerogative and Public Accountability, Susan Saab Fortney
Defrosting Regulatory Chill, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
North American Energy in the Crossfire, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez and James W. Coleman
Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Associated Traditional Knowledge, N.S. Gopalakrishnan, Srividhya Ragavan, and Narendran Thiruthy
RICO's Long Arm, Randy D. Gordon
The Sources and Consequences of Disputes over Contractual Meaning, Randy D. Gordon
Expanding the Ban on Forced Arbitration to Race Claims, Michael Z. Green
Punishment menus and their deterrent effects: an exploratory analysis, Gilles Grolleau, Murat C. Mungan, and Naoufel Mzoughi
Separation of Powers by Contract: How Collective Bargaining Reshapes Presidential Power, Nicholas Handler
Understanding Secured Transactions, William H. Henning, R. Wilson Freyermuth, and Brook E. Gotberg
Afterword, Brian N. Larson
Cicero: Legal Stases and the Supreme Court, Brian N. Larson and Susan E. Provenzano
Classical Rhetoric: Then and Now, Brian N. Larson and Kristen K. Tiscione
“Can I have it non-personalised?” An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Willingness to Share Data for Personalized Services and Ads, Monika Leszczynska and Daria Baltag
The Role of Data Sharing in Transboundary Waterways: The Case of the Helmand River Basin, Najibullah Loodin, Gabriel Eckstein, Vijay P. Singh, and Rosario Sanchez
Shaping Preferences with Pigouvian Taxes, Gary M. Lucas Jr.
Charging Abortion, Milan Markovic
Constitutional Rights and Remedial Consistency, Katherine Mims Crocker
Not-So-Special Solicitude, Katherine Mims Crocker
Prudence, Role Morality, and Restraint: Judge Wilkinson on the Separation of Powers, Katherine Mims Crocker and Jack Goldsmith
Affirmative Action, Religious Liberty, and The Freedom to Discriminate, Rachel Moran
The Perennial Eclipse: Race, Immigration, and How Latinx Count in American Politics, Rachel F. Moran
Public–private sharing of carbon sequestration risk, Felix Mormann
Immigration Enforcement Creep in Immigrant & Employee Rights, Angela D. Morrison
English Company Law: Legal Architecture for a Global Law Market, Andrew P. Morriss and Charlotte Ku
Congress's Untapped Authority to Certify U Visas, Elora Mukherjee, Fatma Marouf, and Sabrineh Ardalan
Reconceptualizing Property Law's Background Principles in Takings Law, Timothy M. Mulvaney
A Reputational View of Antitrust’s Consumer Welfare Standard, Murat C. Mungan and John M. Yun
The Incoherence of Evidence Law, G. Alexander Nunn
Administrative Arrest Warrants: Armed Encounters Outside the Judicial Process, Meg Penrose
The NCAA's Challenge in Determining NIL Market Value, Meg Penrose
Understanding 303 Creative LLC in a Polycentric Constitutional World, Meg Penrose
The Limits of Immigrant Resilience, Huyen Pham, Natalie C. Cook, Ernesto Amaral, Raymond Robertson, and Suojin Wang
Affirmative Action’s Asian American Problem, Huyen Pham and Joseph Thai
The Subfederal in Immigration Polarization, Huyen Pham and Pham Hoang Van
Averting Plausibility Pleading’s Threats to Novel FHA Legal Claims, Tanya Pierce and Aric Short
A new approach to the geopolitics of Chinese internets, Jack Linchuan Qiu, Peter K. Yu, and Elisa Oreglia
Make America Healthy: Reducing High Pharmaceutical Prices Without Reducing Innovation, Srividhya Ragavan
Persistent Identifiers and the Next Generation of Legal Scholarship, Aaron Retteen and Malikah Hall-Retteen
Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, Raymond Robertson, Huyen Pham, Ernesto Amaral, and Suojin Wang
The Submerged Administrative State, Gabriel Scheffler and Daniel E. Walters
The United Nations Security Council as a climate litigation body, Shirley V. Scott and Charlotte Ku
Adoption as Substitute for Abortion?, Malinda L. Seymore
Putting the Lawyer First: Framing Well-Being in Law as an Ethical Dilemma, Aric Short
Consumer Law for Gen Z Law Students, Neil Sobol
Law, Fact, and Appellate Review, Adam N. Steinman
Major Questions, Common Sense?, Kevin Tobia, Daniel E. Walters, and Brian Slocum
A New Era of Deference: From Chevron to Loper Bright, Daniel E. Walters
Four Futures of Chevron Deference, Daniel E. Walters
The Major Questions Doctrine at the Boundaries of Interpretive Law, Daniel E. Walters
ERISA Principles, Peter J. Wiedenbeck and Brendan S. Maher
Deploying Blockchain Technology in the Copyright Office, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual property, foreign investment and sustainable development, Peter K. Yu
The COVID-19 TRIPS Waiver and the WTO Ministerial Decision, Peter K. Yu
The Discursive Contributions of Max Planck Declarations, Principles and Position Statements, Peter K. Yu
War & IP, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2023
Latinas in the Legal Academy: Progress and Promise, Raquel E. Aldana, Emile Loza de Siles, Solangel Maldonado, and Rachel F. Moran
A Theory of Interests in the Context of Hybrid Warfare: It's Complex, Cynthia Alkon and Sanda Kaufman
Opening the Virtual Window: How On-line Processes Could Increase Access to Justice in the Criminal Legal System, Cynthia Alkon and Amy Schmitz
Defamation with Bayesian Audiences, Yonathan A. Arbel and Murat C. Mungan
The Futures of Law, Lawyers, and Law Schools: A Dialogue Authors, Sameer M. Ashar, Benjamin H. Barton, Michael J. Madison, and Rachel F. Moran
A Crazy Quilt: Infanticide in the United States, Susan Ayres
Walk Like the Bird Flies, Susan Ayres
Confidentiality Clauses in Settlement Agreements After the Consumer Review Fairness Act, Wayne Barnes
A Public Technology Option, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
After FTX: Can the Original Bitcoin Use Case Be Saved?, Mark Burge
Intellectual property teaching and research: How has the academy changed in the past two decades?, Irene Calboli
The Combined Use of Trademarks or Service Mark with Certifications Marks or Collective Marks, Irene Calboli
Trademarks, Irene Calboli
Wartime challenges for trade marks: how long will Russia continue to protect famous foreign marks?, Irene Calboli and Vera Sevastianova
Policing Protest: Speech, Space, Crime, and the Jury, Jenny E. Carroll
The Ever-Shifting Ground of Pretrial Detention Reform, Jenny E. Carroll
A Research Agenda for Water Law, Vanessa Casado-Pérez and Rhett B. Larson
Conclusions: a research agenda for the water law of the future, Vanessa Casado-Pérez and Rhett B. Larson
Introduction to A Research Agenda for Water Law, Vanessa Casado-Pérez and Rhett B. Larson
Bending the Rules of Evidence, Edward K. Cheng, G. Alexander Nunn, and Julia Simon-Kerr
Antipolitics and the Administrative State, Cary Coglianese and Daniel E. Walters
The Disembodied First Amendment, Nathan Cortez and William M. Sage