Submissions from 2019
A Note on Productive and Dynamic Inefficiencies of Intermediate Regulatory Sanctions, Tim Friehe and Murat C. Mungan
Optimal imprisonment and fines with non-discriminatory sentences, Nuno Garoupa and Murat C. Mungan
Forum Clauses at the Margin, James P. George
A New #MeToo Result: Rejecting Notions of Romantic Consent with Executives, Michael Z. Green
Union Commitment to Racial Diversity, Michael Z. Green
Negotiating Race in the Workplace after Trump, Michael Z. Green
Reflecting on Negotiating While Black, Michael Z. Green
Rediscovering the Journal Clause: The Lost History of Legislative Constitutional Interpretation, Nicholas Handler
Community Law Practice, Luz E. Herrera
Even Some International Law is Local: Implementation of Treaties through Subnational Mechanisms, Charlotte Ku, William H. Henning, David P. Stewart, and Paul F. Diehl
Law's Enterprise: Argumentation Schemes & Legal Analogy, Brian N. Larson
Betting on Climate Policy: Using Prediction Markets to Address Global Warming, Gary M. Lucas Jr and Felix Mormann
A Natural Right to Copy, Glynn Lunney
A Tale of Two Copyrights, Glynn Lunney
Rise of the Robot Lawyers?, Milan Markovic
The paradox of minority attorney satisfaction, Milan Markovic and Gabrielle Plickert
The Paradox of Minority Attorney Satisfaction, Milan Markovic and Gabrielle Plickert
Becoming Unconventional: Constricting the 'Particular Social Group' Ground for Asylum, Fatma Marouf
Executive Overreaching in Immigration Adjudication, Fatma Marouf
Invoking Federal Common Law Defenses in Immigration Cases, Fatma Marouf
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Jennifer S. Martin, Colin P. Marks, and Wayne Barnes
Trends in Medicare Payment Rates for Noninvasive Cardiac Tests and Association With Testing Location, Frederick A. Masoudi, Timea Viragh, David J. Magid, Ali Moghtaderi, Samantha Schilsky, William M. Sage, Glenn Goodrich, Katherine M. Newton, David H. Smith, and Bernard Black
An Organizational Account of State Standing, Katherine Mims Crocker
Qualified Immunity and Constitutional Structure, Katherine Mims Crocker
Historic Partition Law Reform: A Game Changer for Heirs’ Property Owners, Thomas W. Mitchell
Bakke’s Lasting Legacy: Redefining the Landscape of Equality and Liberty in Civil Rights Law, Rachel F. Moran
The Constitution of Opportunity: Democratic Equality, Economic Inequality, and the Right to Compete, Rachel F. Moran
The Three Ages of Modern American Lawyering and the Current Crisis in the Legal Profession and Legal Education, Rachel F. Moran
Clean Energy Equity, Felix Mormann
The State of Exactions, Timothy M. Mulvaney
Optimal non-prosecution agreements and the reputational effects of convictions, Murat C. Mungan
Salience and the severity versus the certainty of punishment, Murat C. Mungan
Sharing of Cost Related Information Can Increase Consumer Welfare Under Risk-aversion, Murat C. Mungan
The Optimal Standard of Proof with Adjudication Avoidance, Murat C. Mungan
Mimicking, errors, and the optimal standard of proof, Murat C. Mungan and Andrew Samuel
Foreclosed: Mortgage Servicing and the Hidden Architecture of Homeownership in America, Christopher K. Odinet
The New Data of Student Debt, Christopher K. Odinet
Overwriting and Under-Deciding: Addressing the Roberts Court's Shrinking Docket, Meg Penrose
Subfederal Immigration Regulation and the Trump Effect, Huyen Pham and Pham Hoang Van
Righting the Ship: What Courts Are Still Getting Wrong About Electronic Discovery, Tanya Pierce
Spill-Over Reputation: Comparative Study of India & the United States, Srividhya Ragavan
Legal Literacy and Communication Skills: Working with Law and Lawyers, Jennifer Murphy Romig and Mark Burge
Explaining America’s spendthrift healthcare system: the enduring effects of public regulation on private competition, William M. Sage
The path towards groundwater management in the borderlands of Mexico and Texas, Rosario Sanchez and Gabriel Eckstein
Bargaining in the Dark: The Need for Transparency and Data in Plea Bargaining, Andrea Kupfer Schneider and Cynthia Alkon
Environmental Law. Disrupted., Inara Scott, David Takacs, Rebecca Bratspies, Vanessa Casado-Pérez, Robin Kundis Craig, Keith Hirokawa, Blake Hudson, Sarah Krakoff, Katrina Fischer Kuh, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, Jonathan Rosenbloom, J.B. Ruhl, and Erin Ryan
Adopting Civil Damages: Wrongful Family Separation in Adoption, Malinda L. Seymore
Review of "Jean Paton and the Struggle to Reform American Adoption", Malinda L. Seymore
Sane Gun Policy from Texas? A Blueprint for Balanced State Campus Carry Laws, Aric Short
Boilerplate: What Consumers Actually Think About It, Franklin G. Snyder and Ann M. Mirabito
Appellate Jurisdiction and the Emoluments Litigation, Adam N. Steinman
The social construction of disability and the capabilities approach: Implications for nursing, Whitney A. Thurman, Tracie C. Harrison, Alexandra A. Garcia, and William M. Sage
Disguised Patent Policymaking, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Renewed Efficiency in Administrative Patent Revocation, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
The Mixed Case for a PTAB Off-Ramp, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
The Non-Doctrine of Redundancy, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Animal Agriculture Liability for Climatic Nuisance: A Path Forward for Climate Change Litigation?, Daniel E. Walters
Capturing the Regulatory Agenda: An Empirical Study of Agency Responsiveness to Rulemaking Petitions, Daniel E. Walters
The Self-Delegation False Alarm: Analyzing Auer Deference’s Effect on Agency Rules, Daniel E. Walters
Dispute Resolution Neutrals' Ethical Obligation to Support Measured Transparency, Nancy A. Welsh
Distributive and Procedural Fairness Perceptions in Negotiation, Nancy A. Welsh
A Hater's Guide to Geoblocking, Peter K. Yu
Biobanking, scientific productions and human rights, Peter K. Yu
Building Intellectual Property Infrastructure Along China’s Belt and Road, Peter K. Yu
China, 'Belt and Road,' and Intellectual Property Cooperation, Peter K. Yu
Data Exclusivities and the Limits to TRIPS Harmonization, Peter K. Yu
Data Producer's Right and the Protection of Machine-Generated Data, Peter K. Yu
Development Bridge Over Troubled Intellectual Property Water, Peter K. Yu
Fair Use and Its Global Paradigm Evolution, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property and Human Rights 2.0, Peter K. Yu
State-to-State and Investor-State Copyright Dispute Settlement, Peter K. Yu
The Comparative Lessons of Itar-Tass Russian News Agency v. Russian Kurier, Peter K. Yu
The Pathways of Multinational Intellectual Property Dispute Settlement, Peter K. Yu
The RCEP Negotiations and Asian Intellectual Property Norm Setters, Peter K. Yu
The Rise of China in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2018
Claudia Rankine's 'Citizen': Documenting and Protesting America's Halting March Toward Racial Justice and Equality, Susan Ayres
The Paradox of Christian-Based Political Advocacy: A Reply to Professor Calhoun, Wayne Barnes
Centering Women in Prisoners' Rights Litigation, Amber Baylor
Exposing Secret Searches: A First Amendment Right of Access to Electronic Surveillance Orders, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
Research and Rhetorical Purpose: Using Genre Analysis to Understand Source Use in Technical and Professional Writing, Lee-Ann K. Breuch and Brian N. Larson
Cross-Subsidies: Government's Hidden Pocketbook, John Brooks, Brian Galle, and Brendan S. Maher
Chocolate, Fashion, Toys and Cabs: The Misunderstood Distinctiveness of Non-Traditional Trademarks, Irene Calboli
Creative industries, diversity and intellectual property, Irene Calboli
Introduction to The Protection of Non-Traditional Trademarks: Critical Perspectives, Irene Calboli
One Size Does Not Fit All: The Roles of the State and the Private Sector in the Governing Framework of Geographical Indications, Irene Calboli and Delphine Marie-Vivien
The Protection of Non-Traditional Trademarks: Critical Perspectives, Irene Calboli and Martin Senftleben
ADR and Access to Justice: Current Perspectives, Ellen E. Deason, Michael Z. Green, Donna Shestowsky, Rory Van Loo, and Ellen Waldman
The wicked problem of pharmaceuticals in our waters, Gabriel Eckstein
Free Trade in Electric Power, Joel B. Eisen and Felix Mormann
Association of Medical Liability Reform With Clinician Approach to Coronary Artery Disease Management, Steven A. Farmer, Ali Moghtaderi, Samantha Schilsky, David J. Magid, William M. Sage, Nori Allen, Frederick A. Masoudi, Avi Dor, and Bernard Black
Planning for Excellence: Insights from an International Review of Regulators’ Strategic Plans, Adam M. Finkel, Daniel E. Walters, and Angus Corbett
Preventing Sexual Harassment and Misconduct in Higher Education: How Lawyers Should Assist Universities in Fortifying Ethical Infrastructure, Susan Saab Fortney
Can Communication-And-Resolution Programs Achieve Their Potential? Five Key Questions, Thomas H. Gallagher, Michelle M. Mello, William M. Sage, Sigall K. Bell, Timothy B. McDonald, and Eric J. Thomas
El Derecho Sobre Recursos Transfronterizos y La Reforma Energética, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Mexico's Energy Reform and the 2012 U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Agreement. An Opportunity for Efficient, Effective and Safe Exploitation of the Gulf of Mexico, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
The Blurring of the Public/Private Distinction or the Collapse of a Category? The Story of Investment Arbitration, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
The Fine Print of the Mexican Energy Reform, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Exhausting Intellectual Property Rights: A Comparative Law and Policy Analysis, Shubha Ghosh and Irene Calboli
Developing Workplace Law Programming: A Labor of Love, Michael Z. Green