Submissions from 2016
Employer-Provided Legal Services for Employment Claims, Michael Z. Green
Rejecting Charity: Why the IRS Denies Tax Exemption to 501(C)(3) Applicants, Terri Lynn Helge
Understanding Sales and Leases of Goods, William H. Henning, William H. Lawrence, and Henry Deeb Gabriel
Starting a "Low Bono" Law Practice, Luz E. Herrera
Primary Effects of Secondary Rules: Institutions and Multi-Level Governance, Charlotte Ku and Paul F. Diehl
Gender/Genre: The Lack of Gendered Register in Texts Requiring Genre Knowledge, Brian N. Larson
Use What You Choose: Applying Computational Methods to Genre Studies in Technical Communication, Brian N. Larson, William Hart-Davidon, Kenneth C. Walker, Douglas M. Walls, and Ryan Omizo
Real Estate Listings and Copyright, Brian N. Larson and Mitchell A. Skinner
The Structured Writing Group: A Different Writing Center?, Brian N. Larson and Christopher Soper
Empirical Copyright: A Case Study of File Sharing, Sales Revenue, and Music Output, Glynn Lunney
Regulating Employment-Based Anything, Brendan S. Maher
Juking Access to Justice to Deregulate the Legal Market, Milan Markovic
Lawyers and the Secret Welfare State, Milan Markovic
Assumed Sane, Fatma Marouf
Alienage Classifications and the Denial of Health Care to DREAMers, Fatma E. Marouf
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Jennifer S. Martin, Colin P. Marks, and Wayne Barnes
New Legal Realism and Inequality, Thomas W. Mitchell
Restoring Hope for Heirs Property Owners: The Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act, Thomas W. Mitchell
Fading into the Sunset: Solar and Wind Energy Get Give More Years of Tax Credits with a Phase-Down, Felix Mormann
A Tale of Three Markets: Comparing the Renewable Energy Experiences of California, Texas, and Germany, Felix Mormann, Dan Reicher, and Victor Hanna
Legislative Exactions and Progressive Property, Timothy M. Mulvaney
A generalized model for reputational sanctions and the (ir)relevance of the interactions between legal and reputational sanctions, Murat C. Mungan
Stigma Dilution and Over-Criminalization, Murat C. Mungan
The Property-Contract Balance, Murat C. Mungan
Identifying Criminals’ Risk Preferences, Murat C. Mungan and Jonathan Klick
Reducing False Guilty Pleas and Wrongful Convictions through Exoneree Compensation, Murat C. Mungan and Jonathan Klick
Of Progressive Property and Public Debt, Christopher K. Odinet
The Unfinished Business of Dodd-Frank: Reforming the Mortgage Contract, Christopher K. Odinet
Whole Other Story: Applying Narrative Mediation to the Immigration Beat, Carol Pauli
Creating an International Prison, Mary Margaret Penrose
Creating an International Prison (Book Chapter), Mary Margaret Penrose
Improving Predictability and Consistency in Class Action Tolling, Tanya Pierce
Correlative Obligation in Patent Law: The Role of Public Good in Defining the Limits of Patent Exclusivity, Srividhya Ragavan
Drugs, Drugs Everywhere but Just Not for the Poor, Srividhya Ragavan
A Federal Certificate of Rehabilitation Program: Providing Federal Ex-Offenders More Opportunity for Successful Reentry, Lisa A. Rich
Antitrust Enforcement and the Future of Healthcare Competition, William M. Sage
Assembled Products: The Key to More Effective Competition and Antitrust Oversight in Health Care, William M. Sage
Minding Ps and Qs: The Political and Policy Questions Framing Health Care Spending, William M. Sage
Relating Health Law to Health Policy: A Frictional Account, William M. Sage
Resolving Malpractice Claims after Tort Reform: Experience in a Self-Insured Texas Public Academic Health System, William M. Sage, Molly Colvard Harding, and Eric J. Thomas
Identifying and characterizing transboundary aquifers along the Mexico–US border: An initial assessment, Rosario Sanchez, Victoria Lopez, and Gabriel Eckstein
How Cosmopolitan Are International Law Professors?, Ryan Scoville and Milan Markovic
Pension De-Risking, Paul M. Secunda and Brendan S. Maher
Consumer Preferences for Performances Defaults, Franklin G. Snyder and Ann M. Mirabito
Charging the Poor: Criminal Justice Debt & Modern-Day Debtors' Prisons, Neil L. Sobol
The End of an Era? Federal Civil Procedure After the 2015 Amendments, Adam N. Steinman
The Rise and Fall of Plausibility Pleading?, Adam N. Steinman
Use your words: Rhetoric as absence of law, rhetoric as essence of law, Adam N. Steinman
An Intentional Tort Theory of Patents, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
The Youngest Patent Validity Proceeding: Evaluating Post-Grant Review, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Strategic Decision Making in Dual PTAB and District Court Proceedings, Saurabh Vishnubhakat, Arti K. Rai, and Jay P. Kesan
The Judicial Role in Constraining Presidential Non-Enforcement Discretion: The Virtues of an APA Approach, Daniel E. Walters
Magistrate Judges, Settlement, and Procedural Justice, Nancy A. Welsh
Clusters and Links in Asian Intellectual Property Law and Policy, Peter K. Yu
Enforcement: A Neglected Child in the Intellectual Property Family, Peter K. Yu
Five Decades of Intellectual Property and Global Development, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property Enforcement and Global Climate Change, Peter K. Yu
International Technology Contracts, Restrictive Covenants and the UNCTAD Code, Peter K. Yu
The Anatomy of the Human Rights Framework for Intellectual Property, Peter K. Yu
The Comparative Economics of International Intellectual Property Agreements, Peter K. Yu
The Competing Objectives Underlying the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Peter K. Yu
The Copy in Copyright, Peter K. Yu
The More Copyright Laws Change, the More Digital Challenges Stay the Same, Peter K. Yu
The Quest for a User-Friendly Copyright Regime in Hong Kong, Peter K. Yu
The Transplant and Transformation of Intellectual Property Laws in China, Peter K. Yu
Session 2: The U.S. Perspective, Peter K. Yu, Allan Adler, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, Mickey Osterreicher, Michael Wolfe, and Aurelia J. Schultz
Foreword: Innocent Until Proven Poor, Sara Zampierin
License Plate Reader Technology: Transportation Uses and Privacy Risks, Johanna Zmud, Jason Wagner, Maarit Moran, and James P. George
Submissions from 2015
Coordination and Conflict: The Persistent Relevance of Networks in International Financial Regulation, Robert B. Ahdieh
Enter the Fox - Lumping and Splitting in the Study of Transnational Networks: A Response to Stavros Gadinis, Robert B. Ahdieh
From Fedspeak to Forward Guidance: Regulatory Dimensions of Central Bank Communications, Robert B. Ahdieh
Occupying the Constitutional Right to Housing, Lisa T. Alexander
An Overlooked Key to Reversing Mass Incarceration: Reforming the Law to Reduce Prosecutorial Power in Plea Bargaining, Cynthia Alkon
The Right to Defense Discovery in Plea Bargaining Fifty Years After Brady v. Maryland, Cynthia Alkon
What's Law Got to Do With It? Plea Bargaining Reform after Lafler and Frye, Cynthia Alkon
Teaching Empathy: Using Dramatic Narrative to Understand Domestic Violence, Susan Ayres
Coercing Assimilation: The Case of Muslim Women of Color, Sahar F. Aziz
The Blinding Color of Race: Elections and Democracy in the Post-Shelby County Era, Sahar F. Aziz
Correcting a False Step: Rethinking Overhead for the "Actual Expenses" Affirmative Defense to the Texas Construction Trust Fund Act, Wayne R. Barnes
A Free Start: Community-based Organizations as an Antidote to the Mass Incarceration of Women Pretrial, Amber Baylor
Beyond the Visiting Room: A Defense Counsel Challenge to Conditions in Pretrial Confinement, Amber Baylor
Changing Punishments for Property Offenses, To Change the Lives of Women in Need, Amber Baylor
Confronting Totalitarianism at Home: The Roots of European Privacy Protections, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
The Mouse That Trolled: The Long and Tortuous History of a Gene Mutation Patent That Became an Expensive Impediment to Alzheimer's Research, Tania Bubela, Saurabh Vishnubhakat, and Robert Cook-Deegan
Too Clever by Half: Reflections on Perception, Legitimacy, and Choice of Law Under Revised Article 1 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Mark Edwin Burge
Taxation of Intellectual Property and Technology, William Byrnes and Marvin Petry
Geographical Indications of Origin at the Crossroads of Local Development, Consumer Protection and Marketing Strategies, Irene Calboli
Of Markets. Culture, and Terroir: The Unique Economic and Culture-Related Benefits of Geographical Indications of Origin, Irene Calboli
The Story of Luxury Products and the (Broken) Promise of Superior Quality in a World of Prestige for the Masses, Irene Calboli
Diversity in Intellectual Property: Identities, Interests, and Intersections, Irene Calboli and Srividhya Ragavan
Introduction: Recognizing Diversity in Intellectual Property, Irene Calboli and Srividhya Ragavan
The Jury as Democracy, Jenny E. Carroll
Williams v. Florida: What’s in a Number? Jury Function and Jury Numbers, Jenny E. Carroll
Go with the Flow: Lessons from Water Management and Water Markets for Essential Resources, Vanessa Casado-Pérez
Missing Water Markets: A Cautionary Tale of Governmental Failure, Vanessa Casado-Pérez
All Over the Map: The Diversity of Western Water Plans, Vanessa Casado-Pérez, Bruce E. Cain, Iris Hui, Coral Abbott, Kaley Dodson, and Shane Lebow
Launching the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium, Laura Dym Cohen, Luz E. Herrera, and William T. Tanner