Submissions from 2013
Global Governance in the Information Age: The Terrorist Finance Tracking Program, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
Without Precedent: Legal Analysis in the Age of Non-Judicial Dispute Resolution, Mark Edwin Burge
Annuities, Rent, Interest and Other Income, William Byrnes and Jason A. Fiske
Community Property, William Byrnes and Jason A. Fiske
Deduction of Interest, William Byrnes and Jason A. Fiske
Patents, Franchises, Trademarks and Tradenames, William Byrnes and Jason A. Fiske
Statute of Limitations on Assessment and Collections, William Byrnes and Jason A. Fiske
Examination and Audit of Returns, William Byrnes, Jason A. Fiske, and Crystal Galin
Accounting Periods, William Byrnes, Jason A. Fiske, and Christopher Sove
Taxation on Nonlife Insurance Companies, William Byrnes, Jason A. Fiske, and Hale Stewart
Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Corporations, William Byrnes, David J. Herzig, and Christopher Sove
Deduction of Expenses for Production of Income, William Byrnes and Christopher Sove
Depletion and Other Deductions Related to Natural Resources, William Byrnes and Christopher Sove
Depreciation, William Byrnes and Christopher Sove
Alimony and Divorce, William Byrnes, Christopher Sove, and Jason A. Fiske
Business Expenses: Deductible or Capitalizable, William Byrnes, Christopher Sove, and Jason A. Fiske
Corporate Strategies, First Sale Rules, and Copyright Misuse: Waiting for Answers from Kirstsaeng v. Wiley and Omega v. Costco (II), Irene Calboli
The Role of Comparative Legal Analysis in Intellectual Property Law: From Good to Great?, Irene Calboli
The Case for a Legislative Amendment against Accessory Copyright for Grey Market Products: What Can the U.S. Learn from Singapore and Australia, Irene Calboli and Mary LaFrance
The Resistance Defense, Jenny E. Carroll
The Latest Red River Rivalry: The Supreme Court's Recent Decision Regarding the Red River Compact, Luke W. Davis and Gabriel Eckstein
Endangered Species in the Oil Patch: Challenges and Opportunities for the Oil and Gas Industry, Gabriel Eckstein and Jesse Snyder
Claims for Refund, Larry C. Fedro, William Byrnes, and Christopher M. Sove
A Mirror and Window for Understanding Ethics of Law Practice, Susan Saab Fortney
Book Review: A Mirror and Window for Understanding Ethics of Law Practice, Susan Saab Fortney
Systematically Thinking about Law Firm Ethics: Conference on the Ethical Infrastructure and Culture of Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney
Creating Cayman as an Offshore Financial Center: Structure & Strategy since 1960, Tony Freyer and Andrew P. Morriss
Judicial Roles in Nonjudicial Functions, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
Are Human Genes Patentable? The Supreme Court Says Yes And No, John M. Golden and William M. Sage
Institutionalizing Exemplary Narratives: Stories as Models for and Movers of Law, Randy D. Gordon
Truth in Context: Sketching a (New) Historicist Legal Pedagogy, Randy D. Gordon
Of Smart Phone Wars and Software Patents, Stuart Graham and Saurabh Vishnubhakat
A Post-Pyett Collective Bargaining Agreement to Arbitrate Statutory Discrimination Claims: What Is It Good For–Could It Be Absolutely Nothing or Really Something?, Michael Z. Green
Advances in Neuroimaging and the Vegetative State: Implications for End-of-Life Care, Maxine H. Harrington
Article 9 and the Characterization and Treatment of Tenant Security Deposits, William H. Henning and R. Wilson Freyermuth
Educating Main Street Lawyers, Luz E. Herrera
Medical Malpractice in the Outpatient Setting: Through a Glass, Darkly, David A. Hyman and William M. Sage
Bridging the International Law-International Relations Divide: Taking Stock of Progress, Adam Irish, Charlotte Ku, and Paul F. Diehl
Evolution of International Law, Charlotte Ku
Paternalism and Psychic Taxes: The Government's Use of Negative Emotions to Save Us from Ourselves, Gary M. Lucas Jr
International Corporate Bribery and Unilateral Enforcement, William Magnuson
Thoughts on the Latest Battles over ERISA's Remedies, Brendan S. Maher
Enough About the Constitution: How States Can Regulate Health Insurance Under the ACA, Brendan S. Maher and Radha A. Pathak
Certain Patents, Alan C. Marco and Saurabh Vishnubhakat
The Role of Foreign Authorities in U.S. Asylum Adjudication, Fatma E. Marouf
Navigating TEFRA Partnership Audits in Multi-Tiered Entity Structures, Mary A. McNulty, Robert D. Probasco, and Lee S. Meyercord
Growing Inequality and Racial Economic Gaps, Thomas W. Mitchell
The Hastie Fellowship Program at Forty: Still Creating Minority Law Professors, Thomas W. Mitchell
Clark Kerr and Me: The Future of the Public Law School, Rachel F. Moran
Untoward Consequences: The Ironic Legacy of Keyes v. School District No. 1, Rachel F. Moran
When Intercultural Competency Comes to Class: Navigating Difference in the Modern American Law School, Rachel F. Moran
Duke-ing out Pattern or Practice after Wal-Mart: The EEOC as Fist, Angela D. Morrison
Regulatory Effectiveness & Offshore Financial Centers, Andrew P. Morriss and Clifford C. Henson
Foreground Principles, Timothy M. Mulvaney
Optimal Warning Strategies: Punishment Ought Not to Be Inflicted Where the Penal Provision Is Not Properly Conveyed, Murat C. Mungan
Reverse Payments, Perverse Incentives, Murat C. Mungan
Choosing between the government and the regions: An empirical analysis of the Italian constitutional court decisions, Lucia Dalla Pellegrina and Nuno Garoupa
Outspoken: Social Media and the Modern College Athlete, Meg Penrose
Something to [Lex Loci] Celebrationis: Federal Marriage Benefits following United States v. Windsor, Meg Penrose
Unbreakable Vows: Same-Sex Marriage and the Fundamental Right to Divorce, Meg Penrose
Measuring State-Created Immigration Climate, Huyen Pham and Pham Hoang Van
Tax Court Find Stars Transaction Lacks Economic Substance, Robert D. Probasco and Lee S. Meyercord
Resistance Is Not Futile: Harnessing the Power of Counter-Offensive Tactics in Legal Persuasion, Peter Reilly
Attorneys and Negotiation Ethics: A Material Misunderstanding?, Peter Reilly, Art Hinshaw, and Andrea Kupfer Schneider
Maternity Care and Liability, Sara Rosenbaum and William M. Sage
Sixteen and Pregnant: Minors' Consent in Abortion and Adoption, Malinda L. Seymore
Kryptonite for CAFA?, Adam N. Steinman
To Say What the Law Is: Rules, Results, and the Dangers of Inferential Stare Decisis, Adam N. Steinman
A Dialogical Approach to Trade and Environment, Elizabeth Trujillo
Litigation-Fostered Bureaucratic Autonomy: Administrative Law Against Political Control, Daniel E. Walters
Executive Summary (2013), Gina S. Warren
Hydropower: It's a Small World after All, Gina S. Warren
The Future of Energy: The European and American Approaches -- The American Approach, Gina S. Warren
Pooling Clauses and Statutes, Gina S. Warren and Mark G. Walston
Introduction to Volume 5 of the Yearbook on Arbitration and Mediation, Nancy A. Welsh
"Moving the Ball Forward" in Consumer and Employment Dispute Resolution: What Can Planning, Talking, Listening and Breaking Bread Together Accomplish?, Nancy A. Welsh and David B. Lipsky
The Application of Procedural Justice Research to Judicial Actions and Techniques in Settlement Sessions, Nancy A. Welsh, Bobbi McAdoo, and Donna Stienstra
The Thoughtful Integration of Mediation into Bilateral Investment Treaty Arbitration, Nancy A. Welsh and Andrea Kupfer Schneider
Building IPC4D to Promote Access to Essential Medicines, Peter K. Yu
Building the Ladder: Three Decades of Development of the Chinese Patent System, Peter K. Yu
EU Economic Partnership Agreements and International Human Rights, Peter K. Yu
Five Oft-repeated Questions About China's Recent Rise as a Patent Power, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property Enforcement and Global Climate Change, Peter K. Yu
Taking ATRIP Down Memory Lane, Peter K. Yu
The ACTA/TPP Country Clubs, Peter K. Yu
The First Decade of TRIPS in China, Peter K. Yu
The Global Governance of HIV/AIDS and the Rugged Road Ahead: An Epilogue, Peter K. Yu
Trade Agreement Cats and the Digital Technology Mouse, Peter K. Yu
Virotech Patents, Viropiracy, and Viral Sovereignty, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2012
A Man in Full (A Tribute Remembering Professor David Bederman), Robert B. Ahdieh
Varieties of Corporate Law-Making: Competition, Preemption, and Federalism, Robert B. Ahdieh
Plea Bargaining, Just as it Ever Was?, Cynthia Alkon
Denial and Concealment of Unwanted Pregnancy: "A Film Hollywood Dared Not Do", Susan Ayres and Prema Manjunath
Pregnancy Denied, Pregnancy Rejected in Stephanie Daley, Susan Ayres and Prema Manjunath
Egypt's Protracted Revolution, Sahar F. Aziz
From the Oppressed to the Terrorist: Muslim-American Women in the Crosshairs of Intersectionality, Sahar F. Aziz
Social Media and the Rise in Consumer Bargaining Power, Wayne R. Barnes
Tax Facts on Individuals and Small Business, Robert Bloink and William Byrnes
Foreign Tax and Trade Briefs, William Byrnes
Tax Benefits of Foreign Trade Zones in the U.S., William Byrnes and Hannah Bible