Submissions from 2011
Alternative Strategies for Managing Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Water Resources, Gabriel Eckstein and George William Sherk
Law Library Budgets in Hard Times, Taylor Fitchett, James Hambleton, Penny Hazelton, and Anne Klinefelter
The Brady Rule May Hurt the Innocent, N. Garoupa and Matteo Rizzolli
The Law and Economics of Legal Parochialism, Nuno Garoupa
Building Reputation in Constitutional Courts: Political and Judicial Audiences, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
Hybrid Judicial Career Structures: Reputation versus Legal Tradition, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
Explaining Constitutional Review in New Democracies: The Case of Taiwan, Nuno Garoupa, Veronica Grembi, and Shirley Ching-Ping Lin
The Syndrome of the Efficiency of the Common Law, Nuno Garoupa and Carlos Gomez Liguerre
The Judiciary in Political Transitions: The Critical Role of U.S. Constitutionalism in Latin America, Nuno Garoupa and Maria A. Maldonado
Conflict of Laws (2011), James P. George and Stephanie K. Marshall
Clarity and Confusion: RICO's Recent Trips to the United States Supreme Court, Randy D. Gordon
Rehumanizing Law: A Theory of Law and Democracy, Randy D. Gordon
Nonprofit Executive Compensation, Terri Lynn Helge and David M. Rosenberg
The Uniform Law Commission and Cooperative Federalism: Implementing Private International Law Conventions through Uniform State Laws, William H. Henning
Scientific Expertise and the Balance of Political Interests: MEDCAC and Medicare Coverage Decisions, Stéphane Lavertu, Daniel E. Walters, and David L. Weimer
The Benefits of Opt-In Federalism, Brendan S. Maher
Advising Clients after Critical Legal Studies and the Torture Memos, Milan Markovic
The ICC Prosecutor's Missing Code of Conduct, Milan Markovic
Implicit Bias and Immigration Courts, Fatma E. Marouf
The Rising Bar for Persecution in Asylum Cases Involving Sexual and Reproductive Harm, Fatma E. Marouf
TEFRA-Partnership Refunds: Five Steps to Protect a Partner’s Rights, Mary A. McNulty, Robert D. Probasco, and Carla C. Crapster
Securing Sovereign State Standing, Katherine Mims Crocker
Between Partiality and Living Democracy: The Jury Trial in the US Civil Process, Felix Mormann
Forum-Selection Clauses for Investment Fraud Claims under the E.U.'s Brussels-I Regulation, Felix Mormann
Requirements for a Renewables Revolution, Felix Mormann
The Trinity of Exclusive Jurisdiction for Investor Claims under Section 32b of the German Code of Civil Procedure, Felix Mormann
Opting for Change or Continuity - Thinking about Reforming the Judicial Article of Montana's Constitution, Andrew P. Morriss
The Silala/Siloli Watershed: Dispute over the Most Vulnerable Basin in South America, B. M. Mulligan and Gabriel Eckstein
Proposed Exactions, Timothy M. Mulvaney
The New Judicial Takings Construct, Timothy M. Mulvaney
A Utilitarian Justification for Heightened Standards of Proof in Criminal Trials, Murat C. Mungan
Welfare enhancing regulation exemptions, Murat C. Mungan
Towards a Convention for the International Sale of Real Property: Challenges, Commonalities, and Possibilities, Christopher K. Odinet
Conventional Wisdom: Acknowledging Uncertainty in the Unknown, Mary Margaret Penrose
Free Speech versus Free Education: First Amendment Considerations in Limiting Student Athletes' Use of Social Media, Mary Margaret Penrose
In the Name of Watergate: Returning FERPA to Its Original Design, Mary Margaret Penrose
Global Economies, Regulatory Failure, and Loose Money: Lessons for Regulating the Finance Sector from Iceland's Financial Crisis, Birgir T. Petursson and Andrew P. Morriss
Brand New Law! The Need to Market Health Care Reform, William M. Sage
Our Class Action Federalism: Erie and the Rules Enabling Act after Shady Grove, Adam N. Steinman
Pre-Service Removal in the Forum Defendant's Arsenal, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Reconceiving the Patent Rocket Docket: An Empirical Study of Infringement Litigation 1985-2010, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Disclosure: Do We Have a Right to Know?, Gina S. Warren
Two Years after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's Decision in Belden & Blake Corp. v. Commonwealth Department of Conservation & Natural Resources: The Commonwealth's Struggle to Protect State Lands, Gina S. Warren and Krista M. Baron
Integrating "Alternative" Dispute Resolution into Bankruptcy: As Simple (and Pure) as Motherhood and Apple Pie?, Nancy A. Welsh
Mandatory Mediation and Its Variations, Nancy A. Welsh
Musings on Mediation, Kleenex, and (Smudged) White Hats, Nancy A. Welsh
The Bi-modal Pattern of Mediation in the United States and Canada, Nancy A. Welsh
The Importance of Context in Comparing the Worldwide Institutionalization of Court-Connected Mediation, Nancy A. Welsh
ACTA and Its Complex Politics, Peter K. Yu
Are Developing Countries Playing a Better TRIPS Game, Peter K. Yu
Digital Copyright and Confuzzling Rhetoric, Peter K. Yu
Foreword to "Intellectual Property in Global Governance: A Development Question", Peter K. Yu
Sinic Trade Agreements, Peter K. Yu
Six Secret (and Now Open) Fears of ACTA, Peter K. Yu
The TRIPS Enforcement Dispute, Peter K. Yu
The US - China Dispute over TRIPS Enforcement, Peter K. Yu
TRIPs and Its Achilles' Heel, Peter K. Yu
TRIPS Enforcement and Developing Countries, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2010
After the Fall: Financial Crisis and the International Order, Robert B. Ahdieh
Imperfect Alternatives: Networks, Salience, and Institutional Design in Financial Crises, Robert B. Ahdieh
The Visible Hand: Coordination Functions of the Regulatory State, Robert B. Ahdieh
Reflections on Success and Failure in New Governance and the Role of the Lawyer, Lisa T. Alexander
Plea Bargaining as a Legal Transplant: A Good Idea for Troubled Criminal Justice Systems, Cynthia Alkon
Roll over Langdell, Tell Llewellyn the News: A Brief History of American Legal Education, Stephen R. Alton
Consumer Assent to Standard Form Contracts and the Voting Analogy, Wayne Barnes
Who Wants to Be a Muggle? The Diminished Legitimacy of Law as Magic, Mark Edwin Burge
Reunion, Megan Carpenter
This Year of Not Writing, Megan Carpenter
Space Age Love Song: The Mix Tape in a Digital Universe, Megan M. Carpenter
Calling Bullshit on the Lanham Act: The 2 (a) Bar for Immoral, Scandalous, and Disparaging Marks, Megan M. Carpenter and Kathryn T. Murphy
Administraciones públicas y mercados en la gestión del agua, Vanessa Casado-Pérez
Freedom of Contract vs. Free Alienability: An Old Struggle Emerges in a New Context, Neil B. Cohen and William H. Henning
State Liability, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Nuno Garoupa, and Fernando Gomez-Pomar
Consumer Protection in Transnational Contexts, Jacques Delisle and Elizabeth Trujillo
Legislatures, Judges, and Parole Boards: The Allocations of Discretion under Determinate Sentencing, Dhammika Dharmapala, Nuno Garoupa, and Joanna M. Shepherd
The Dynamics of International Law, Paul F. Diehl and Charlotte Ku
Scientific, Legal, and Ethical Foundations for Texas Water Law, Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger
The Greening of Water Law: Managing Freshwater Resources for People and the Environment, Gabriel Eckstein, Richard Kyle Paisley, Stefano Burchi, Maaria Curlier, and Raya Stephan
Leaks, Lies, and the Moonlight: Fiduciary Duties of Associates to Their Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney
Assessing the Argument for Specialized Courts: Evidence from Family Courts in Spain, Nuno Garoupa, Natalia Jorgensen, and Pablo Vazquez
Conflict of Laws (2010), James P. George, Wm Frank Carroll, and Stephanie K. Marshall
Framing Franchise Antitrust Litigation: The Legacy of Kodak and Queen City Pizza, Randy D. Gordon
How Lawyers (Come to) See the World: A Narrative Theory of Legal Pedagogy, Randy D. Gordon
Unpaid Furloughs and Four-Day Work Weeks: Employer Sympathy or a Call for Collective Employee Action, Michael Z. Green
Teaching Specialized Legal Research: Business Associations, Kris Helge and Terri Lynn Helge
The Taxation of Cause-Related Marketing, Terri Lynn Helge
Current Status of the UCC, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller
Privacy Paradox 2.0, H. Brian Holland
Section 230 of the CDA: Internet Exceptionalism as a Statutory Construct, H. Brian Holland
Social Semiotics in the Fair Use Analysis, H. Brian Holland
Interest-Based Mediation of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits: A Route to Improved Patient Safety?, Chris Stern Hyman, Carol B. Liebman, Clyde B. Schechter, and William M. Sage
The Taxation of Emissions Permits Distributed for Free as Part of a Carbon Cap-and-Trade Program, Gary M. Lucas Jr
Copyright, Derivative Works, and the Economics of Complements, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
The Responsibility to Protect and the Decline of Sovereignty: Free Speech Protection Under International Law, William Magnuson
WTO Jurisprudence & Its Critiques: The Appellate Body's Anti-Constitutional Resistance, William Magnuson
The Civil Judicial Subsidy, Brendan S. Maher
Understanding and Regulating the Sport of Mixed Martial Arts, Brendan S. Maher
ERISA & Uncertainty, Brendan S. Maher and Peter K. Stris
The Dispute Settlement Process of the WTO: A Normative Structure to Achieve Utilitarian Objectives, Brian Manning and Srividhya Ragavan
Holding The World Bank Accountable for the Leakage of Funds From Africa’s Health Sector, Fatma E. Marouf