Submissions from 2012
Guide to FATCA and CRS Compliance, William Byrnes and Robert J. Munro
Market Integration and (the Limits of) the First Sale Rule in North American and European Trademark Law, Irene Calboli
Reconciling Individualism and Collectiveness in Trademark Merchandising in the United States, Irene Calboli
Reviewing the (Shrinking) Principle of Trademark Exhaustion in the European Union (Ten Years Later), Irene Calboli
The Position in the United States, Irene Calboli
Intellectual Property: A Human (Not Corporate) Right, Megan M. Carpenter
The Jury's Second Coming, Jenny E. Carroll
Conflictos sobre cuencas interjuridiccionales: distribución y gestión de recursos hídricos entre entes territoriales. Montana v. Wyoming et al., 563 US, (2011), de 2 de mayo de 2011, Vanessa Casado-Pérez
Comment: Emerging EPA Regulation of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Gabriel Eckstein
Rethinking Transboundary Ground Water Resources Management: A Local Approach along the Mexico-U.S. Border, Gabriel E. Eckstein
Alternative Strategies for Addressing the Presence and Effects of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Fresh Water Resources, Gabriel Eckstein and George William Sherk
The Role of Creative Language in Addressing Political Realities: Middle-Eastern Water Agreements, Itay Fischhendler, Aaron T. Wolf, and Gabriel Eckstein
Law as a Profession: Examining the Role of Accountability, Susan Saab Fortney
Adopting Law Firm Management Systems to Survive and Thrive: A Study of the Australian Approach to Management-Based Regulation, Susan Saab Fortney and Tahlia Gordon
Ronald Coase and law and economics in Europe, Nuno Garoupa
The Evolution of the Common Law and Efficiency, Nuno Garoupa and Carlos Liguerre
The Efficiency of the Common Law: The Puzzle of Mixed Legal Families, Nuno Garoupa and Carlos Gomez Liguerre
The Fable of the Codes: The Efficiency of the Common Law, Legal Origins, and Codification Movements, Nuno Garoupa and Andrew P. Morriss
Wrongful Convictions Do Lower Deterrence, Nuno Garoupa and Matteo Rizzolli
Conflict of Laws (2012), James P. George, Stephanie K. Marshall, and Lisa A. Goodman
Against Employer Dumpster-Diving for Email, Michael Z. Green
Reading Ricci and Pyett to Provide Racial Justice through Union Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
Choice of Entity Considerations for Charitable Organizations, Terri Lynn Helge
Black Letter Outline on Wills, Trusts, and Future Interests, Terri Lynn Helge and Lawrence H. Averill Jr.
Tax Exemptions for Charitable Single-Member Limited Liability Companies, Terri Lynn Helge and David M. Rosenberg
Training Lawyer-Entrepreneurs, Luz E. Herrera
International Law, International Relations, and Global Governance, Charlotte Ku
Understanding Secured Transactions, William H. Lawrence, William H. Henning, and R. Wilson Freyermuth
Saving Smokers from Themselves: The Paternalistic Use of Cigarette Taxes, Gary M. Lucas Jr.
Not So Obvious after All: Patent Law's Nonobviousness Requirement, KSR, and the Fear of Hindsight Bias, Glynn S. Lunney Jr and Christian T. Johnson
The Domestic Politics of International Extradition, William Magnuson
Some Thoughts on Health Care Exchanges: Choice, Defaults, and the Unconnected, Brendan S. Maher
System Adjustments, Brendan S. Maher
The Sophisticates: Conflicted Representation and the Lehman Bankruptcy, Milan Markovic
The Hunt for Noncitizen Voters, Fatma Marouf
Regrouping America: Immigration Policies and the Reduction of Prejudice, Fatma E. Marouf
Silent Spring at 50, Roger Meiners, PIerre Desrochers, and Andrew P. Morriss
Agricultural Revolutions and Agency Wars: How the 1950s Laid the Groundwork for "Silent Spring", Roger E. Meiners and Andrew P. Morriss
Enhancing the Investor Appeal of Renewable Energy, Felix Mormann
Smarter Finance for Cleaner Energy: Open Up Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to Renewable Energy Investment, Felix Mormann and Dan Reicher
Cartelizing Taxes: Understanding the OECD's Campaign against Harmful Tax Competition, Andrew P. Morriss and Lotta Moberg
Exactions for the Future, Timothy M. Mulvaney
Don’t Say You’re Sorry Unless You Mean It: Pricing apologies to achieve credibility, Murat C. Mungan
Economics of the Independent Invention Defense under Incomplete Information, Murat C. Mungan
The Law and Economics of Fluctuating Criminal Tendencies and Incapacitation, Murat C. Mungan
Fundraising and Optimal Policy Rules, Murat C. Mungan and Barış K. Yörük
Testing the Reach of UCC Article 9: The Question of Tax Credit Collateral in Secured Transactions, Christopher K. Odinet
Stare Decisis and Certiroari Arrive to Brazil: A Comparative Law and Economics Approach, Maria Angela Jardim de Santa Cruz Oliveira and Nuno Garoupa
How Do the Elderly Fare in Medical Malpractice Litigation, Before and After Tort Reform? Evidence from Texas, Myungho Paik, Bernard S. Black, David A. Hyman, William M. Sage, and Charles M. Silver
Health Insurance and Federalism-in-Fact, Radha A. Pathak and Brendan S. Maher
Judicial Ideal Points in New Democracies: The Case of Taiwan, Lucia Dalla Pellegrina, Nuno Garoupa, and Shirley Ching-ping Lin
Tattoos, Tickets, and Other Tawdry Behavior: How Universities Use Federal Law to Hide their Scandals, Mary Margaret Penrose
Book Review - Transboundary Water Resources Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Kavitha Pramod and Gabriel Eckstein
Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards and Mediation Agreements: Tips for Sustaining Deference, Julia Rabich, Sarah Stoner, and Nancy A. Welsh
A Note on India’s Attempt to Reconcile Diversity and Intellectual Property Issues, Srividhya Ragavan
Patent and Trade Disparities in Developing Countries, Srividhya Ragavan
Both Symptom and Disease: Relating Medical Malpractice to Health-Care Costs, William M. Sage
How Many Justices Does It Take to Change the U.S. Health System? Only One, but It Has to Want to Change, William M. Sage
Mobilizing Public Markets to Finance Renewable Energy Projects: Insights from Expert Stakeholders, Paul Schwabe, Michael Mendelsohn, Felix Mormann, and Douglas J. Arent
Art Law in Transactional Practice, Jeff W. Slattery
Foreword to Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Evolving Economies: The Role of Law, Franklin G. Snyder
Magic Words and the Erie Doctrine, Adam N. Steinman
The Lay of the Land: Examining the Three Opinions in J. Mcintyre Machinery, Ltd. v. Nicastro, Adam N. Steinman
The Meaning of McIntyre, Adam N. Steinman
The Justiciability of Fair Balance under the Federal Advisory Committee Act: Toward a Deliberative Process Approach, Daniel E. Walters
Executive Summary (2012), Gina S. Warren
Making Reputation Salient: Using the Reputation Index with Law Students, Nancy A. Welsh
Mandatory Predispute Consumer Arbitration, Structural Bias, and Incentivizing Procedural Safeguards, Nancy A. Welsh
The Current Transitional State of Court-Connected ADR, Nancy A. Welsh
The Reputational Advantages of Demonstrating Trustworthiness: Using the Reputation Index with Law Students, Nancy A. Welsh
Becoming "Investor-State Mediation", Nancy A. Welsh and Andrea Kupfer Schneider
Enforcement, Enforcement, What Enforcement?, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property and Asian Values, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property and Human Rights in the Nonmultilateral Era, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property Training and Education for Development, Peter K. Yu
No Personality Rights for Pop Stars in Hong Kong?, Peter K. Yu
Region Codes and the Territorial Mess, Peter K. Yu
Shaping Chinese Criminal Enforcement Norms Through the TRIPS Agreement, Peter K. Yu
The Alphabet Soup of Transborder Intellectual Property Enforcement, Peter K. Yu
The Confucian Challenge to Intellectual Property Reforms, Peter K. Yu
The Middle Kingdom and the Intellectual Property World, Peter K. Yu
The Rise and Decline of the Intellectual Property Powers, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2011
Beyond Individualism in Law and Economics, Robert B. Ahdieh
Hip-Hop and Housing: Revisiting Culture, Urban Space, Power, and Law, Lisa T. Alexander
The Promise and Perils of New Regionalist Approaches to Sustainable Communities, Lisa T. Alexander
Lost in Translation: Can Exporting ADR Harm Rule of Law Development, Cynthia Alkon
The Game is Afoot!: The Significance of Donative Transfers in the Sherlock Holmes Canon, Stephen R. Alton
Strengthening cooperation on transboundary groundwater resources, Alice Aureli and Gabriel Eckstein
Caught in a Preventive Dragnet: Selective Counterterrorism in a Post 9/11 America, Sahar F. Aziz
Countering Religion or Terrorism: Selective Enforcement of Material Support Laws Against Muslim Charities, Sahar F. Aziz
Money Laundering, Asset Forfeiture and Compliance Copyright - A Global Guide, William Byrnes
Selected Provisions and Analysis of the Tax Relief Act of 2010, William Byrnes and Robert Bloink
United States, William Byrnes and Robert Kiggins
The Case for a Limited Protection of Trademark Merchandising, Irene Calboli
Drawing a Line in the Sand: Copyright Law and New Museums, Megan M. Carpenter
Choosing Judges in Brazil: Reassessing Legal Transplants from the United States, Maria Angela de Santa Cruz Oliveira Jardim and Nuno Garoupa
Managing Buried Treasure Across Frontiers: The International Law of Transboundary Aquifers, Gabriel Eckstein
Buried Treasure or Buried Hope? The Status of Mexico-U.S. Transboundary Aquifers under International Law, Gabriel E. Eckstein
Alternative Strategies for Managing Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Water Resources, Gabriel Eckstein and George William Sherk