Submissions from 2009
Building Intellectual Property Coalitions for Development, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property Reforms in China, Peter K. Yu
The Global Intellectual Property Order and Its Undetermined Future, Peter K. Yu
The Objectives and Principles of the TRIPS Agreement, Peter K. Yu
The US-China WTO Cases Explained, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2008
Introduction, Sypmosium Common Law Environmental Protection, Jonathan H. Adler and Andrew P. Morriss
Foreign Affairs, International Law, and the New Federalism: Lessons from Coordination, Robert B. Ahdieh
A Sociolegal History of Public Housing Reform in Chicago, Lisa T. Alexander
The French Subjective Theory of Contract: Separating Rhetoric from Reality, Wayne Barnes
The Objective Theory of Contracts, Wayne Barnes
Defense Costs and Insurer Reserves in Medical Malpractice and Other Personal Injury Cases: Evidence from Texas, 1988-2004, Bernard Black, David A. Hyman, Charles Silver, and William M. Sage
The Scope of Criminal Law and Criminal Sanctions: An Economic View and Policy Implications, Roger Bowles, Michael Faure, and Nuno Garoupa
ERISA, Agency Costs, and the Future of Health Care in the United States, John Bronsteen, Brendan S. Maher, and Peter K. Stris
Raising a Spectre: Using the Ghost of Law Practice Future to Sell Statutory Analysis Today, Mark Edwin Burge
Foreign Tax and Trade Briefs--International Withholding Tax Treaty Guide, William Byrnes and Robert Munro
Tax Havens of the World, William Byrnes and Robert Munro
What if, After All, Trademarks Were Traded in Gross, Irene Calboli
River Rats, Megal M. Carpenter
Bare Justice: A Feminist Theory of Justice and Its Potential Application to Crimes of Sexual Violence in Post-Genocide Rwanda, Megan M. Carpenter
The Lexical Heart: A Dictionary, Megan M. Carpenter
Nota Sobre el Contracte de Col·laboració Publicoprivada [Notes on the Public-Private Partnership Contract], Vanessa Casado-Pérez
Competition Law and Copyright Misuse, John T. Cross and Peter K. Yu
The Unsolvable Dilemma of a Paretian Policymaker, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Nuno Garoupa
Colouring Within the Lines: How the International Legal Operating System Influences Rule Creation, Paul F. Diehl and Charlotte Ku
Examples of the Political Character of International Water Law, Gabriel E. Eckstein
State Practice in the Management and Allocation of Transboundary Ground Water Resources in North America, Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger
Common Grounds, Common Waters: Towards a Water Ethic - Roundtable Discussion, Gabriel Eckstein and Irene Klaver
Tales of Two Regimes for Regulating Limited Liability Law Firms in the US and Australia: Client Protection and Risk Management Lessons, Susan Saab Fortney
Legal Malpractice Law: Problems and Prevention, Susan Saab Fortney and Vincent R. Johnson
Why Plea-Bargaining Fails to Achieve Results in So Many Criminal Justice Systems: A New Framework for Assessment, Nuno Garoupa and Frank H. Stephen
The Market for Legal Innovation: Law and Economics in Europe and the United States, Nuno Garoupa and Thomas S. Ulen
Conflict of Laws (2008), James P. George and Stephanie K. Marshall
El Precia del Agua [Pricing Water], Carlos Gómez-Ligüerre, Vanessa Casado-Pérez, and Ignacio Marín-García
Model Tribal Secured Transactions Act, William H. Henning
State of the UCC: A Look Back at 2007, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller
International and Comparative Aspects of Trademark Dilution, Mark D. Janis and Peter K. Yu
Dances With Elephants: Administrative Resolution of Medical Injury Claims by Medicare Beneficiaries, Eleanor D. Kinney and William M. Sage
Copyright's Price Discrimination Panacea, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
On the Continuing Misuse of Event Studies: The Example of Bessen and Meurer, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Understanding and Problematizing Contractual Tort Subrogation, Brendan S. Maher and Radha A. Pathak
Bootleggers, Baptists, and Televangelists, Andrew P. Morriss
The Necessity of Economics: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Markets, and Environmental Law, Andrew P. Morriss
The Next Generation of Mobile Source Regulation, Andrew P. Morriss
Measuring outcomes: Post-Graduation Measures of Success in the U.S. News & (and) World Report Law School Rankings, Andrew P. Morriss and William D. Henderson
The Carrot Approach to Accounting Standard Setting, Neal Newman
Pay Disparity: 'Discrete,' 'Discreet' Discriminatory Acts, Carol Pauli and Thomas F. Bello
Problems Facing the First Generation of Local Immigration Laws, Huyen Pham
The Private Enforcement of Immigration Laws, Huyen Pham
New Paradigms For Protection Of Biodiversity, Srividhya Ragavan
Patent Judicial Wisdom, Srividhya Ragavan
Was Machiavelli Right? Lying in Negotiation and the Art of Defensive Self-Help, Peter Reilly
Congress Should Engage in Sentencing Review: Some Ideas for the 111th Congress, Lisa A. Rich
Is That All There Is? "The Problem" in Court-Oriented Mediation, Leonard L. Riskin and Nancy A. Welsh
Relational Duties, Regulatory Duties, and the Widening Gap Between Individual Health Law and Collective Health Policy, William M. Sage
Slaves for Rent: Sexual Harassment in Housing as Involuntary Servitude, Aric K. Short
Malpractice Payouts and Malpractice Insurance: Evidence from Texas Closed Claims, 1990–2003, Charles Silver, Kathryn Zeiler, Bernard Black, David A. Hyman, and William M. Sage
An Ounce of Prevention: Solving Some Unforeseen Problems with the Proposed Amendments to Rule 56 and the Federal Summary Judgment Process, Adam N. Steinman
What is the Erie Doctrine? (And What Does It Mean for the Contemporary Politics of Judicial Federalism?), Adam N. Steinman
Shifting Paradigms of Parochialism: Lessons for Legal Education, Elizabeth Trujillo
Looking Down the Road Less Traveled: Challenges to Persuading the Legal Profession to Define Problems More Humanistically, Nancy A. Welsh
Bootleggers, Baptists &(and) Televangelists: Regulating Tobacco by Litigation, Bruce Yandle, Joseph A. Rotondi, Andrew P. Morriss, and Andrew Dorchak
Access to Medicines, BRICS Alliances, and Collective Action, Peter K. Yu
Cultural Relics, Intellectual Property, and Intangible Heritage, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property, Foreign Direct Investment and the China Exception, Peter K. Yu
Teaching International Intellectual Property Law, Peter K. Yu
Three Questions that Will Make You Rethink the U.S.-China Intellectual Property Debate, Peter K. Yu
What Ifs and Other Alternative Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw Stories: Foreword, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2007
From Federalism to Intersystemic Governance: The Changing Nature of Modern Jurisdiction, Robert B. Ahdieh
From Federal Rules to Intersystemic Governance in Securities Regulation, Robert B. Ahdieh
The Dialectical Regulation of Rule 14a-8: Intersystemic Governance in Corporate Law, Robert B. Ahdieh
The Existing Legal Infrastructure of BRICs: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going, Robert B. Ahdieh, Zhu Lee, Srividhya Ragavan, Kevin Noonan, and Clinton W. Francis
The Increased Use of Reconciliation in Criminal Cases in Central Asia: A Sign of Restorative Justice, Reform or Cause for Concern, Cynthia Alkon
Women Labor Arbitrators: Women Members of the National Academy of Arbitrators Speak About the Barriers of Entry into the Field, Cynthia Alkon
My Brilliant Career, Susan Ayres
Who Is to Shame? Narratives of Neonaticide, Susan Ayres
Toward a Fairer Model of Consumer Assent to Standard Form Contracts: In Defense of Restatement Subsection 211(3), Wayne R. Barnes
Clicking Away Your Speech Rights: The Enforceability of Gagwrap Clauses, Genelle I. Belmas and Brian N. Larson
The Sunset of Quality Control in Modern Trademark Licensing, Irene Calboli
Commentary on the U.N. International Law Commission's Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers, Gabriel E. Eckstein
Challenges and Guidance for Lawyering in a Global Society, Susan Saab Fortney
Keeping Stigma out of Administrative Law: An Explanation of Consistent Beliefs, Roberto Galbiati and Nuno Garoupa
Least Cost Avoidance: The Tragedy of Common Safety, Nuno M. Garoupa and Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Reimposable Discounts and Medieval Contract Penalties, James P. George
Rent Concessions and Illegal Contract Penalties in Texas, James P. George
Rent Concessions and Illegal Contract Penalties in Texas, James P. George
Conflict of Laws (2007), James P. George and Anna K. Teller
Crimes That Count Twice: A Reexamination of RICO's Nexus Requirements under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1962(c) and 1964(c), Randy D. Gordon
Measures to Encourage and Reward Post-Dispute Agreements to Arbitrate Employment Discrimination Claims, Michael Z. Green
Ruminations About the EEOC’s Policy Regarding Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
The Ever-Expanding Health Care Conscience Clause: The Quest for Immunity in the Struggle between Professional Duties and Moral Beliefs, Maxine M. Harrington
Status of the UCC: A Look Back at 2006, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller
Reflections of a Community Lawyer, Luz E. Herrera
Voluntarism in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina: The Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act, James G. Hodge, Raymon P. Pepe, and William H. Henning
In Defense on Online Intermediary Immunity: Facilitating Communities of Modified Exceptionalism, H. Brian Holland
Do Defendants Pay What Juries Award? Post-Verdict Haircuts in Texas Medical Malpractice Cases, 1988–2003, David A. Hyman, Bernard Black, Kathryn Zeiler, Charles Silver, and William M. Sage
A Concise Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, Vincent R. Johnson and Susan Saab Fortney
Strengthening International Law's Capacity to Govern through Multilayered Strategic Partnerships, Charlotte Ku
Second Class for the Second Time: How the Commercial Speech Doctrine Stigmatizes Commercial Use of Aggregated Public Records, Brian N. Larson and Genelle I. Belmas
Trademarks and the Internet: The United States' Experience, Glynn S. Lunney Jr