Submissions from 2014
Trademark Protection and Territoriality Challenges in a Global Economy, Irene Calboli and Edward Lee
Race Law Cases in the American Story, Devon W. Carbado and Rachel F. Moran
Function over Form: Bringing the Fixation Requirement into the Modern Era, Megan Carpenter and Steven Hetcher
Nullification as Law, Jenny E. Carroll
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Agreements and Awards: Application of the New York Convention in the United States, Louis Del Duca and Nancy A. Welsh
Cooperative Transboundary Mechanism, Alena Drieschova and Gabriel Eckstein
Specially Invited Opinions and Research Report of the International Water Law Project: Global Perspectives on the Entry into Force of the UN Watercourses Convention 2014: Part One, Gabriel Eckstein, Salman M.A. Salman, Dinara Ziganshina, Kishor Uprety, and Götz Reichert
The Law of Transboundary Aquifers: Many Ways of Going Forward, but Only One Way of Standing Still, Gabriel Eckstein and Francesco Sindico
Structuring Patient And Family Involvement In Medical Error Event Disclosure And Analysis, Jason M. Etchegaray, Madelene J. Ottosen, Landrus Burress, William M. Sage, Sigall K. Bell, Thomas H. Gallagher, and Eric J. Thomas
The Role of Ethics Audits in Improving Management Systems and Practices: An Empirical Examination of Management-Based Regulation of Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney
Analyzing International Adjudicative Bodies Under Regime Theory: Lessons from Constitutional Courts, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Energy Reform in Mexico: Lessons and Warnings from International Law, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Strategic Delegation, Discretion, and Deference: Explaining the Comparative Law of Administrative Review, Nuno Garoupa and Jud Mathews
Conflict of Laws, James P. George and Susan T. Phillips
Problem Faced by Digital Evidence in U.S. Law, Juan Carlos Marin Gonzalez and Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Of Gangs and Gaggles: Can a Corporation Be Part of an Association-in-Fact RICO Enterprise? Linguistic, Historical, and Rhetorical Perspectives, Randy D. Gordon
Moving Money: International Financial Flows, Taxes, and Money Laundering, Richard Gordon and Andrew P. Morriss
How the NLRB's Light Still Shines on Anti-Discrimination Law Fifty Years after Title VII, Michael Z. Green
Retaliatory Employment Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
Joint Ventures of Nonprofits and For-Profits, Terri Lynn Helge
Encouraging the Development of Low Bono Law Practices, Luz E. Herrera
Buying Time: False Assumptions about Abusive Appeals, Michael Kagan, Fatma Marouf, and Rebecca Gill
Proof of Progress: The Role of the Inventive Step/Non-obviousness Standard in the Indian Patent Office, Feroz Ali Khader and Srividhya Ragavan
Copyright's Mercantilist Turn, Glynn Lunney
Aereo and Copyright's Private-Public Performance Line, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Copyright on the Internet: Consumer Copying and Collectives, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Copyright’s Mercantilist Turn, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
The Affordable Care Act, Remedy, and Litigation Reform, Brendan S. Maher
International Criminal Trials and the Disqualification of Judges on the Basis of Nationality, Milan Markovic
Subprime Scriveners, Milan Markovic
Incompetent But Deportable: The Case for a Right to Mental Competence in Removal Proceedings, Fatma E. Marouf
Justice on the Fly: The Danger of Errant Deportations, Fatma Marouf, Michael Kagan, and Rebecca Gill
Introduction, Symposium LSU J. Energy L. & Resources, Roger Meiners and Andrew P. Morriss
Justifying a Prudential Solution to the Williamson County Ripeness Puzzle, Katherine Mims Crocker
Reforming Property Law to Address Devastating Land Loss, Thomas W. Mitchell
A New Twist on the One Best System: Structured English Immersion Initiatives, Equal Opportunity, and Freedom to Learn, Rachel F. Moran
Angela Harris: The Person, the Teacher, the Scholar, Rachel F. Moran
Foreword: A Tribute to Margaret Montoya, Rachel F. Moran
Beyond Tax Credits: Smarter Tax Policy for a Cleaner, More Democratic Energy Future, Felix Mormann
Re-Allocating Risk: The Case for Closer Integration of Price- and Quantity-Based Support Policies for Clean Energy, Felix Mormann
Misconstruing Notice in EEOC Administrative Processing & Conciliation, Angela D. Morrison
On the Usefulness of a Flat Economics to the World of Faith, Andrew P. Morriss
Involuntary Cotenants: Eminent Domain and Energy and Communications Infrastructure Growth, Andrew P. Morriss, Roy Brandys, and Michael M. Barron
Progressive Property Moving Forward, Timothy M. Mulvaney
A behavioral justification for escalating punishment schemes, Murat C. Mungan
Less Protection, More Innovation?, Murat C. Mungan
Forfeiture of Illegal Gains, Attempts, and Implied Risk Preferences, Murat C. Mungan and Jonathan Klick
One Worldwide Set of Global Accounting Standards - HMM, Neal F. Newman
Fairness, Equity, and a Level Playing Field: Development Goals for the Resilient City, Christopher K. Odinet
The Perils of Primacy: Successor Liability for Lenders Turned Declarants in Louisiana Common Interest Communities, Christopher K. Odinet
Ideology, Qualifications, and Covert Senate Obstruction of Federal Court Nominations, Ryan J. Owens, Daniel E. Walters, Ryan C. Black, and Anthony Madonna
A Return to States' Rights Model: Amending the Constitution's Most Controversial and Misunderstood Provision, Meg Penrose
Sharing Stupid $h*t with Friends and Followers: The First Amendment Rights of College Athletes to Use Social Media, Meg Penrose
Tinkering with Success: College Athletes, Social Media and the First Amendment, Meg Penrose
Measuring the Climate for Immigrants: A State-by-State Analysis, Huyen Pham and Pham Hoang Van
It's Not Over 'Til It's Over: Mandating Federal Pretrial Jurisdiction and Oversight in Mass Torts, Tanya Pierce
Justice Deferred is Justice Denied: We Must End Our Failed Experiment in Deferring Corporate Criminal Prosecutions, Peter Reilly
Getting The Product Right: How Competition Policy Can Improve Health Care Markets, William M. Sage
Medical Malpractice Reform: When Is It About Money? Why Is It About Time?, William M. Sage
Our 'Patchwork' Health Care System: Melodic Variations, Counterpoint, and the Future Role of Physicians, William M. Sage
Putting Insurance Reform in the ACA's Rear-View Mirror, William M. Sage
How Policy Makers Can Smooth The Way For Communication-And- Resolution Programs, William M. Sage, Thomas H. Gallagher, Sarah Armstrong, Janet S. Cohn, Timothy B. McDonald, Jane Gale, Alan C. Woodward, and Michelle M. Mello
Let’s Make A Deal: Trading Malpractice Reform For Health Reform, William M. Sage and David A. Hyman
Upstream Health Law, William M. Sage and Kelley McIlhattan
The Death of Contracts, Franklin G. Snyder and Ann M. Mirabito
Protecting Consumers from Zombie-Debt Collectors, Neil L. Sobol
Cognitive Economy and the Trespass Fallacy: A Response to Professor Mossoff, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Gender Diversity in the Patent Bar, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
The Growing Public Domain in Medicine, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
What Patent Attorney Fee Awards Really Look Like, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Executive Summary (2014), Gina S. Warren
Hydropower: Time for a Small Makeover, Gina S. Warren
Pooling Clauses and Statutes, Gina S. Warren
Vanishing Power Lines and Emerging Distributed Generation, Gina S. Warren
Theory and Reality in Regulating Dispute Resolution (Book Review), Nancy A. Welsh
Using the Theories of Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Procedural Justice to Reconceptualize Brazil's Rejection of Bilateral Investment Treaties, Nancy A. Welsh, Andrea Kupfer Schneider, and Kathryn Rimpfel
Ross et al. v. American Express et al.: The Story Behind the Spread of Class Action-Barring Arbitration Clauses in Credit Card Agreements, Nancy A. Welsh and Stephen J. Ware
Can the Canadian UGC Exception Be Transplanted Abroad?, Peter K. Yu
Déjà Vu in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu
Digital Copyright and the Parody Exception in Hong Kong, Peter K. Yu
How Copyright Law May Affect Pop Music without Our Knowing It, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property Geographies, Peter K. Yu
Moral Rights 2.0, Peter K. Yu
Moral Rights 2.0, Peter K. Yu
Sinic Trade Agreements and China's Global Intellectual Property Strategy, Peter K. Yu
The ACTA Committee, Peter K. Yu
The Curious Case of Fake Beijing Olympics Merchandise, Peter K. Yu
The International Enclosure of China’s Innovation Space, Peter K. Yu
The Middle Intellectual Property Powers, Peter K. Yu
TPP and Trans-Pacific Perplexities, Peter K. Yu
Why Are the TRIPS Enforcement Provisions Ineffective?, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2013
Reanalyzing Cost-Benefit Analysis: Toward a Framework of Function(s) and Form(s), Robert B. Ahdieh
Toward a Jurisprudence of Free Expression in Russia: The European Court of Human Rights, Sub-National Courts, and Intersystemic Adjudication, Robert B. Ahdieh and H. Forrest Flemming
Cyberfinancing for Economic Justice, Lisa T. Alexander
Making a Deal in Criminal Law, Cynthia Alkon
The Flawed U.S. Approach to Rule of Law Development, Cynthia Alkon
Revolution without Reform: A Critique of Egypt's Election Laws, Sahar F. Aziz
Render Unto Rawls: Law, Gospel, and the Evangelical Fallacy, Wayne R. Barnes