Submissions from 2018
El Derecho Sobre Recursos Transfronterizos y La Reforma Energética, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Mexico's Energy Reform and the 2012 U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Agreement. An Opportunity for Efficient, Effective and Safe Exploitation of the Gulf of Mexico, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
The Blurring of the Public/Private Distinction or the Collapse of a Category? The Story of Investment Arbitration, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
The Fine Print of the Mexican Energy Reform, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Exhausting Intellectual Property Rights: A Comparative Law and Policy Analysis, Shubha Ghosh and Irene Calboli
Developing Workplace Law Programming: A Labor of Love, Michael Z. Green
A Proposal for a National Tribally Owned Lien Filing System to Support Access to Capital in Indian Country, William H. Henning, Susan M. Woodrow, and Marek Dubovec
The Network for Justice: Pursuing a Latinx Civil Rights Agenda, Luz E. Herrera and Pilar M. Hernández-Escontrías
A Cognitive Theory of the Third-Party Doctrine and Digital Papers, H. Brian Holland
Invisible Adjudication in the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Michael Kagan, Rebecca Gill, and Fatma Marouf
International Court of Justice, Charlotte Ku
The evolution of international law, Charlotte Ku
The effect of type-1 error on deterrence, Henrik Lando and Murat C. Mungan
Bridging Rhetoric and Pragmatics with Relevance Theory, Brian N. Larson
Mandatory Quotas for Women on Boards of Directors in the European Union: Harmful to or Good for Company Performance?, Monika Leszczynska
Copyright Lost, Glynn Lunney
Copyright's Excess: Money and Music in the US Recording Industry, Glynn Lunney
Non-Traditional Trademarks: The Error Costs of Making an Exception the Rule, Glynn Lunney
Trademark's Judicial De-Evolution: Why Courts Get Trademark Cases Wrong Repeatedly, Glynn Lunney
Two-Tiered Trademarks, Glynn Lunney
Financial Regulation in the Bitcoin Era, William Magnuson
Regulating Fintech, William Magnuson
The Public Cost of Private Equity, William Magnuson
Attorneys' Career Dissatisfaction in the New Normal, Milan Markovic and Gabrielle Plickert
Planning Your Class to Take Advantage of Highly Effective Learning Techniques, James McGrath
Assessments All the Way Down, James McGrath and Andrew P. Morriss
A Prudential Take on a Prudential Takings Doctrine, Katherine Mims Crocker
Contested Meanings of Equality: The Unrealized Promise of the Anti-Discrimination Principle and the Uncertain Future of a Right to Education, Rachel F. Moran
Can Clean Energy Policy Promote Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability?, Felix Mormann
Market Segmentation vs. Subsidization: Clean Energy Credits and the Commerce Clause's Economic Wisdom, Felix Mormann
Free Trade, Immigrant Workers, and Employment Discrimination, Angela D. Morrison
Non-Enforcement Takings, Timothy M. Mulvaney
Property-as-Society, Timothy M. Mulvaney
On the Optimality of Sealing Criminal Records and How It Relates to Adverse Selection, Productivity Reduction, and Stigma, Murat C. Mungan
Optimal Preventive Law Enforcement and Stopping Standards, Murat C. Mungan
Statistical (and Racial) Discrimination, “Ban the Box”, and Crime Rates, Murat C. Mungan
Regulation A+: New and Improved After the JOBS Act or a Failed Revival?, Neal Newman
Consumer Bitcredit and Fintech Lending, Christopher K. Odinet
Atrocity Speech Law: Addressing Hate that Does Grave Harm,, Carol Pauli
"Enemy of the People": Negotiating News at the White House, Carol Pauli
"Fake News," No News, and the Needs of Local Communities, Carol Pauli
Supreme Verbosity: The Roberts Court's Expanding Legacy, Mary Margaret Penrose
Enough Said: A Proposal for Shortening Supreme Court Opinions, Meg Penrose
Getting It Right: Title IX's Role in Adjudicating Sexual Assault Claims, Meg Penrose
The Way Pavers: Eleven Supreme Court-worthy Women, Meg Penrose
287(g) Agreements in the Trump Era, Huyen Pham
The Drug Debate: Data Exclusivity is the New Way to Delay Generics, Srividhya Ragavan
The (Re)newed Barrier to Access to Medication: Data Exclusivity, Srividhya Ragavan
Justifying India's Patent Position to the United States International Trade Commission and Office of United States Trade Representative, Srividhya Ragavan, Sean Flynn, and Brook Baker
When Should the First Amendment Protect Judges from Their Unethical Speech?, Lynne H. Rambo
If You Would Not Criminalize Poverty, Do Not Medicalize It, William M. Sage and Jennifer E. Laurin
Medico-Legal Collaboration Regarding the Sex Offender: Othering and Resistance, Mary Lay Schuster, Brian N. Larson, and Amy D. Propen
The UN Security Council and global action on climate change, Shirley V. Scott and Charlotte Ku
Law at Work: Legal Studies for Human Resources, Elaine W. Shoben, L. Camille Hebert, and Angela D. Morrison
Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and the Legal Profession, Gregory C. Sisk, Susan Saab Fortney, Charles Gardner Geyh, Neil W. Hamilton, William D. Henderson, Vincent R. Johnson, Katherine R. Kruse, Stephen L. Pepper, and Melissa H. Weresh
Connecting the Disconnected: Communication Technologies for the Incarcerated, Neil Sobol
Access to Justice, Rationality, and Personal Jurisdiction, Adam N. Steinman
Nonmajority Opinions and Biconditional Rules, Adam N. Steinman
Balancing Sustainability, the Right to Regulate, and the Need for Investor Protection: Lessons from the Trade Regime, Elizabeth Trujillo
Regulatory Cooperation in International Trade and Its Transformative Effects on Executive Power, Elizabeth Trujillo
The Porous Court-Agency Border in Patent Law, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
When Can the Patent Office Intervene in its Own Cases?, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Revocation of Citizenship and Rule of Law: How Judicial Review Defeated Britain’s First Denaturalization Regime, Patrick Weil and Nicholas Handler
Patient safety and the ageing physician: a qualitative study of key stakeholder attitudes and experiences, Andrew A. White, William M. Sage, Paulina H. Osinska, Monica J. Salgaonkar, and Thomas H. Gallagher
A Half-Century of Scholarship on the Chinese Intellectual Property System, Peter K. Yu
Customizing Fair Use Transplants, Peter K. Yu
Editorial for Special Issue of Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Peter K. Yu
Foreword to Non-Conventional Copyright: Do New and Atypical Works Deserve Protection?, Peter K. Yu
Intellectual Property, Human Rights, and Public-Private Partnerships, Peter K. Yu
Investor-state dispute settlement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Peter K. Yu
TPP, RCEP, and the crossvergence of Asian intellectual property standards, Peter K. Yu
TPP, RCEP and the Future of Copyright Norm-setting in the Asian Pacific, Peter K. Yu
When the Chinese intellectual property system hits 35, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2017
Agency Coordination as Agency Action, Robert B. Ahdieh
Evicted: The Socio-Legal Case for the Right to Housing, Lisa T. Alexander
Tiny Homes for the Homeless: A Return to Politically Engaged Community Economic Development Law?, Lisa T. Alexander
Hard Bargaining in Plea Bargaining: When do Prosecutors Cross the Line?, Cynthia Alkon
Plea Bargaining: An Example of Negotiating With Constraints, Cynthia Alkon
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll's Will: A Tale of Testamentary Capacity, Stephen R. Alton
Arrested Development: Rethinking the Contract Age of Majority for the Twenty-First Century Adolescent, Wayne Barnes
The Complete Guide to Mechanic's and Materialman's Lien Laws of Texas, Wayne Barnes and Sterling W. Steves
Texas Estate Planning, William Byrnes
Geographical Indications at the Crossroads of Trade, Development, and Culture: Focus on Asia-Pacific, Irene Calboli and Wee Loon Ng-Loy
Afterword: Death and the State, Jenny E. Carroll
The Problem with Inference for Juvenile Defendants, Jenny E. Carroll
Experimentelle Ökonomik im Recht – Zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen verhaltensökonomischer Labor-Experimente in der Rechtswissenschaft (Experimental Economics in Law – On the Potential and the Limits of Behavioral Laboratory Experiments in Legal Science), Konstantin Chatziathanasiou and Monika Leszczynska
The Copyright Holdout Problem and New Internet-Based Services, John T. Cross and Peter K. Yu
Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention in the United States, Louis Del Duca and Nancy A. Welsh
International law and transboundary aquifers, Gabriel Eckstein
The International Law of Transboundary Groundwater Resources, Gabriel Eckstein
Error Disclosure Training and Organizational Culture, Jason M. Etchegaray, Thomas H. Gallagher, Sigall K. Bell, William M. Sage, and Eric J. Thomas
A Tort in Search of a Remedy: Prying Open the Courthouse Doors for Legal Malpractice Victims, Susan Saab Fortney
Collaborative Divorce: What Louis Brandeis Might Say About the Promise and Problems?, Susan Saab Fortney
A New International Legal Regime for a New Reality in the War Against Drugs, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
To Speak with One Voice: The Political Effects of Centralizing the International Legal Defense of the State, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
International Parallel Litigation: A Survey of Current Conventions and Model Laws, James P. George