Submissions from 2020
Beyond Patents: The Problems of Non-Traditional Trademark Protection for Medicines and Health Technologies, Irene Calboli
Geographical Indications of Origin, Economic Development, and Cultural Heritage: Good Match or Mismatch?, Irene Calboli
The Relationship between Trademark Exhaustion and Free Movement of Goods: A Review of Selected Jurisdictions and Regional Organizations, Irene Calboli
Trade mark licensing and Covid-19: why fashion companies have a duty to comply with their legal obligations, Irene Calboli
The Cambridge Handbook of International and Comparative Trademark Law, Irene Calboli and Jane C. Ginsburg
Regional Trademark Protection: Comparing Regional Organizations in Europe, Africa, South East Asia, and South America, Irene Calboli and Coenraad Visser
Pretrial Detention in the Time of COVID-19, Jenny E. Carroll
Safety, Crisis, and Criminal Law, Jenny E. Carroll
The Due Process of Bail, Jenny E. Carroll
Litigating EPA Rules: A Fifty-Year Retrospective of Environmental Rulemaking in the Courts, Cary Coglianese and Daniel E. Walters
Whither the Regulatory "War on Coal"? Scapegoats, Saviors, and Stock Market Reactions, Cary Coglianese and Daniel E. Walters
ADR in the Workplace (4th Edition), Laura J. Cooper, Dennis R. Nolan, Richard A. Bales, Stephen F. Befort, Lise Gelernter, and Michael Z. Green
The status of the UN Watercourses Convention: does it still hold water?, Gabriel Eckstein
CARES Act Gimmicks: How Not To Give People Money During a Pandemic And What To Do Instead, Pamela Foohey, Dalié Jiménez, and Christopher K. Odinet
The Debt Collection Pandemic, Pamela Foohey, Dalié Jiménez, and Christopher K. Odinet
The Folly of Credit As Pandemic Relief, Pamela Foohey, Dalié Jiménez, and Christopher K. Odinet
Keeping Lawyers' Houses Clean: Global Innovations to Advance Public Protection and the Integrity of the Legal Profession, Susan Saab Fortney
Discovering Our Field in Our Stories, Howard Gadlin and Nancy A. Welsh
Predictable Punishments, Brian Galle and Murat C. Mungan
The Footprint of the Chinese Petro-Dragon: The Future of Investment Law in Transboundary Resources, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
The Mexican petroleum licence of 2013, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez
Facilitating Money Judgment Enforcement Between Canada and the United States, Paul George
Predictors of Multiple Emergency Department Utilization Among Frequent Emergency Department Users in 3 States, Theodoros V. Giannouchos, David J. Washburn, Hye-Chung Kum, William M. Sage, and Robert L. Ohsfeldt
Water diplomacy and shared resources along the United States-Mexico border, Maria Elena Giner and Gabriel Eckstein
Overlapping Copyright and Trademark Protection in the United States: More Protection and More Fair Use?, Jane Ginsburg and Irene Calboli
Arbitrarily Selecting Black Arbitrators, Michael Z. Green
Mediating Psychiatric Disability Accommodations for Workers in Violent Times, Michael Z. Green
The Emerging Legal Architecture for Social Justice, Luz E. Herrera and Louise G. Trubek
A Third-Party Doctrine for Digital Metadata, H. Brian Holland
Reconsidering the Rationale for the Duration of Data Exclusivity, Jonathan Kimball, Srividhya Ragavan, and Sophia Vegas
Book Review: The Changing Practices of International Law, Charlotte Ku
Fixed? The Law of Live-Streaming, Brian N. Larson and Genelle I. Belmas
Assessing the methodological quality of empirical research on social media influencers, Monika Leszczynska and Gijs van Dijck
Report to the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation: Analysis of Grievances Filed in Criminal and Family Matters from 2013-2016, Leslie C. Levin and Susan Saab Fortney
Copyright and the 1%, Glynn Lunney
Artificial Financial Intelligence, William Magnuson
Blockchain Democracy: Technology, Law and the Rule of the Crowd, William Magnuson
The Race to the Middle, William Magnuson
The Law Professor Pipeline, Milan Markovic
Extraterritorial Rights in Border Enforcement, Fatma Marouf
Immigration Challenges of the Past Decade and Future Reforms, Fatma Marouf
Technological Triage of Immigration Cases, Fatma Marouf and Luz E. Herrera
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Jennifer S. Martin, Colin P. Marks, and Wayne Barnes
Teaching Win-Win Negotiation Skills to MBAs: A Quasi-Experimental Examination of a Social-Exchange Based Pedagogical Approach, Stephen J.J. McGuire, Peter Reilly, Yang Zhang, Bahram Mahdavian, and Veena P. Prabhu
Expansion of New Law in Southeast May Stave Off Black Land Loss, Thomas W. Mitchell, Sarah Stein, and Ann Carpenter
Dreamers Interrupted: The Case of the Rescission of the Program of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Rachel F. Moran
Why the divestment movement is missing the mark, Felix Mormann
Why Protect Unauthorized Workers? Imperfect Proxies, Unaccountable Employers, and Antidiscrimination Law's Failures, Angela D. Morrison
The Evolution of Offshore: From Tax Havens to IFCs, Andrew P. Morriss and Charlotte Ku
A World of Distrust, Timothy M. Mulvaney
Walling Out: Rules and Standards in the Beach Access Context, Timothy M. Mulvaney
Discrimination and Deterrence with Enforcer Liability, Murat C. Mungan
Justifications, Excuses, and Affirmative Defenses, Murat C. Mungan
Machine-Generated Evidence, G. Alexander Nunn
Data and the Social Obligation Norm of Property: An Essay in Honor of Professor Gregory S. Alexander, Christopher K. Odinet
Securitizing Digital Debts, Christopher K. Odinet
The U.S. Posture on Global Access to Medication & The Case for Change, Michael Palmedo and Srividhya Ragavan
Goodbye to Concurring Opinions, Meg Penrose
Proposition 187 and the Legacy of Its Law Enforcement Provisions, Huyen Pham
Civil Procedure as a Critical Discussion, Susan Provenzano and Brian N. Larson
Can International Patent Law Help Mitigate Cancer Inequity in LMICs?, Srividhya Ragavan and Amaka Vanni
Another Medical Malpractice Crisis? Try Something Different, William M. Sage, Richard C. Boothman, and Thomas H. Gallagher
Health Law and Ethics, William M. Sage, I. Glenn Cohen, and Allison K. Hoffman
Malpractice Liability and Quality of Care: Clear Answer, Remaining Questions, William M. Sage and Kristen Underhill
Following the Money: The ACA’s Fiscal-Political Economy and Lessons for Future Health Care Reform, William M. Sage and Timothy M. Westmoreland
Groundwater Management in the Borderlands of Mexico and Texas: The Beauty of the Unknown, the Negligence of the Present, and the Way Forward, Rosario Sanchez and Gabriel Eckstein
Our Criminal Legal System: Plagued by Problems and Ripe for Reform, Andrea Kupfer Schneider and Cynthia Alkon
Ethical Blind Spots in Adoption Lawyering, Malinda L. Seymore
Griffin v. Illinois: Justice Independent of Wealth, Neil Sobol
Notice Pleading in Exile, Adam N. Steinman
Rethinking Standards of Appellate Review, Adam N. Steinman
The Normative Molecule: Patent Rights and DNA, Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Symmetry’s Mandate: Constraining the Politicization of American Administrative Law, Daniel E. Walters
Bringing Transparency and Accountability (with a Dash of Competition) to Court-Connected Dispute Resolution, Nancy A. Welsh
Assessing and Supporting Late Career Practitioners: Four Key Questions, Andrew A. White, William M. Sage, Kathleen M. Mazor, and Thomas H. Gallagher
Retaliation, Rebecca Hanner White and Michael Z. Green
Artificial Intelligence, the Law-Machine Interface, and Fair Use Automation, Peter K. Yu
Can Algorithms Promote Fair Use?, Peter K. Yu
Caught in the middle: WIPO and emerging economies, Peter K. Yu
Challenges to the Development of a Human Rights Framework for Intellectual Property, Peter K. Yu
China's Innovative Turn and the Changing Pharmaceutical Landscape, Peter K. Yu
Conceptual and institutional improvements to investor-state dispute settlement, Peter K. Yu
The Algorithmic Divide and Equality in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Peter K. Yu
TRIPS and Its Contents, Peter K. Yu
Submissions from 2019
Community in Property: Lessons from Tiny Homes Villages, Lisa T. Alexander
Negotiating Crime: Plea Bargaining, Problem Solving, and Dispute Resolution in the Criminal Context, Cynthia Alkon and Andrea Kupfer Schneider
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Holmes: A Tale of Two Testaments, Stephen R. Alton
The Case against Expanding Defamation Law, Yonathan A. Arbel and Murat C. Mungan
Teaching Criminal Law Issues in A Lesson Before Dying: “She Knew, As We All Knew, What the Outcome Would Be”, Susan Ayres
Reconsidering Christianity as a Support for Secular Law: A Final Reply to Professor Calhoun, Wayne Barnes
Global Platform Governance: Private Power in the Shadow of the State, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
Access to Law or Access to Lawyers? Master's Programs in the Public Educational Mission of Law Schools, Mark Burge
Free Movement of Goods and Intellectual Property Exhaustion in ASEAN: a Road Block in the ASEAN Way?, Irene Calboli
Graffiti, Speech, and Crime, Jenny E. Carroll
Liquid Business, Vanessa Casado-Pérez
Specialization Trend: Water Courts, Vanessa Casado-Pérez
The Street View of Property, Vanessa Casado-Pérez