
The Texas A&M Journal of Property Law is a scholarly publication dedicated to promoting academic discussions of property law. The journal explores the relationships arising from ownership, possession and use of property. Because of the inherent connectivity between property law and other disciplines, Texas A&M Journal of Property Law aims to:

  • provide an expanded lens to view, discuss and understand these complexities, and
  • facilitate thoughtful and intelligent discourse of national, state and local issues that shape the field of property law today.
The Journal not only serves as an important tool for legal scholarship but also provides its staff members an opportunity to develop their own editing and writing skills. Accordingly, each volume contains articles by student authors, as well as outside authors. The Journal publishes a scholarly publication not less than two times per academic year.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Submit to Texas A&M Journal of Property Law

Current Issue: Volume 11, Number 1 (2025) Fall 2023 Symposium Issue

Student Article

Symposia Articles