Texas Wesleyan Law Review
Front Matter
Selected Re-Emerging and Emerging Trends in Oil and Gas Law as a Result of Production From Shale Formations
Jeffrey C. King
Air Quality Standards and Oil and Gas Production in Texas: Know Your AMCVs
Andrew D. Sims and J. Zach Burt
Procedural Issues in Eminent Domain
John P. Baker
Mineral Royalty Mispayments: The Payor’s Rights, Obligations, and Risks in Royalty Mispayment Scenarios, Including the Pitfalls and Prerogative of Self-Help Recoupment
Douglas R. Hafer and Daniel B. Mathis
“Comparing Pennsylvania and Texas Law on Ownership and Marital Rights: Common Law v. Community Property - Impact on Oil and Gas Leasing”
Lilly Tade Van Maele, Rebecca Seidl, and Kelly Shapiro