Texas Wesleyan Law Review
Front Matter
Dick Whittington and Creativity: From Trade to Folklore, From Folklore to Trade
Susanna Frederick Fischer
The Dick Whittington Story: Theories of Poor Relief, Social Ambition, and Possibilities for Class Transformation
Helen Hershkoff
Sidestepping Copyright: British Fairy Tale Anthologies of the 19th Century
Megan Richardson and Andrew T. Kenyon
The Failure of the International Laws of War and the Role of Art and Story-Telling as a Self-Help Remedy for Restorative Justice
Susan Tiefenbrun
The Handmaid’s Tale of Fertility Tourism: Passports and Third Parties in the Religious Regulation of Assisted Conception
Richard F. Storrow
Stories That Make the Law Free: Literature as a Bridge Between the Law and the Culture in Which It Must Exist
Christine Metteer Lorillard
The Narrative Compels the Result
I.D.F. Callinan
When Literature Becomes Law: An Example From Ancient Greece
Mark J. Sundahl
Lysistrata, Women, & War: International Law’s Treatment of Women in Conflict and Post-conflict Situations
Emma Lindsay
Stories of the Code
Allen Kamp
Harry Potter and the Law
Jeffrey E. Thomas, James Charles Smith, Danaya Wright, Benjamin H. Barton, and Aaron Schwabach
Where Is Law & Literature Headed? Roundtable Discussion
Susan Ayres, Michael Hyde, Susan Sage Heinzelman, Ian Ward, and Melanie Williams