Texas Wesleyan Law Review
To Donate or Not to Donate Your Organs: Texas Can Decide For You When You Cannot Decide For Yourself
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Part I of this comment illustrates the historical background of the organ shortage. Part II discusses the response of the federal government, other states, and other countries to the organ shortage. Part III discusses Texas's response to the organ shortage and Texas's version of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. It also discusses why Texas should repeal section 521.405 of the Texas Transportation Code and provides alternative methods of procuring organs for transplantation other than the aforementioned statute. This comment is not meant to sway anyone from organ donationquite the contrary. The purpose of this note is to illustrate the importance of having a choice about what we want to happen to our bodies after we die. Nothing is quite so personal to us as our body, for it is the vessel that carries our soul. For that very reason, it should be usnot the state-that determines its destiny.
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Jennifer Rutherford-McClure,
To Donate or Not to Donate Your Organs: Texas Can Decide For You When You Cannot Decide For Yourself,
Tex. Wesleyan L. Rev.
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