
Texas Wesleyan Law Review

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That is the situation. Nonetheless, the purpose of this Article is not to criticize the current law school model. It is a model that has, in many respects, served society well, having produced thousands of competent lawyers over the years since it became the dominant model. It is the model that has produced all of the minority lawyers that are currently members of the profession. Moreover, to their credit, faculty and administration at many law schools are very motivated to improve the situation but are constrained in their efforts by the law and other factors. This Article is not meant to be unduly critical of the current law school model. In addition, this is not meant to be yet another article arguing that law schools need to increase skills training. Rather, the simple question put forth is whether a different model for legal education might serve as an alternative to the traditional law school model and, in conjunction with the efforts of the traditional law schools, aid in increasing the numbers of minorities licensed to practice law.



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